Bundestag election 2025

All candidates in alphabetical order

Last name, first names Year of birth Political party in
Uebel, Stephan Frank Walter 1967 BSW Land Bayern (Position 19)
Uhl, Daniel Rupert 1998 CSU Land Bayern (Position 53)
Uhl, Markus Alexander 1979 CDU Electoral District 299 and
Land Saarland (Position 2)
Dr. Uhlig, Andreas 1954 BSW Land Sachsen (Position 6)
Uhlig, Katrin Babette 1982 GRÜNE Electoral District 095 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 7)
Uhr, Martina 1961 AfD Electoral District 025 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 13)
Ulbrich, Tobias Martin 1972 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 106
Ulbricht, Tamara Sophia 1995 Die PARTEI Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 30)
Dr. Ullmann, Andrew John 1963 FDP Electoral District 250 and
Land Bayern (Position 18)
Ullmann, Peter Fritz Sebastian 1979 MLPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 6)
Ullrich, André 1974 SPD Land Brandenburg (Position 9)
Ullrich, Gerald 1962 FDP Electoral District 195
Dr. Ullrich, Volker Michael 1975 CSU Electoral District 251 and
Land Bayern (Position 15)
Ulonksa, Martin 1985 FDP Land Thüringen (Position 12)
Ulrich, Alexander 1971 BSW Electoral District 208 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 1)
Ulrich, Hans Bernhard 1950 AfD Electoral District 104 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 35)
Ulrich, Liam Alexander 2000 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 174 and
Land Hessen (Position 8)
Umbreit, Tobias 1993 Die Linke Electoral District 119
Umlauft, Alexandru-Nicolae 1992 SPD Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 10)
Unbereit, Juliane 1990 Volt Electoral District 258
Unger, Lukas Jacob 2002 GRÜNE Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 10)
Uplegger, Anna 2004 CDU Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 12)
Urmoneit, Fabienne 1991 Die Linke Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 7)
Utz, Erich Horst 1959 Die Linke Electoral District 222
Utz, Nina 1984 dieBasis Electoral District 049 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 4)