Bundestag election 2025

All candidates in alphabetical order

Last name, first names Year of birth Political party in
Haas, Dominik 1999 Die PARTEI Land Hessen (Position 8)
Haase, Christian Karl Friedhelm 1966 CDU Electoral District 135
Habeck, Robert 1969 GRÜNE Electoral District 001 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 2)
Habel-Steinhardt, Anna-Lena 1983 CDU Land Hessen (Position 62)
Hable, Silvia Katja 1983 Die Linke Electoral District 168 and
Land Hessen (Position 10)
Hacer, Aydemir 1995 GRÜNE Land Berlin (Position 13)
Hackbusch, Norbert 1955 Die Linke Electoral District 019
Hacker, Thomas 1967 FDP Electoral District 236 and
Land Bayern (Position 12)
Hacket, Hans Josef 1960 Tierschutzpartei Land Saarland (Position 1)
Hackl, Petra 1968 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 270 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 2)
Hadid, Mohamad Samer 1978 Team Todenhöfer Electoral District 116 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 3)
Haffner, Lena Mailin 1989 SPD Land Hamburg (Position 6)
Hagedorn, Bettina 1955 SPD Electoral District 009 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 4)
Hagelstein, Friederike Christine 1996 AfD Electoral District 143
Hagemes, Stephan 1975 Die Linke Electoral District 109
Hagen, Martin Stephan 1981 FDP Electoral District 212 and
Land Bayern (Position 1)
Hager, Gerhard Rudolf 1956 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 216 and
Land Bayern (Position 4)
Hager, Inga 1968 ÖDP Electoral District 243
Hägermann, Frank 1968 WerteUnion Electoral District 133 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 2)
Haghsheno, Shervin 1975 BSW Land Hessen (Position 2)
Hagl-Kehl, Rita Andrea 1970 SPD Electoral District 226 and
Land Bayern (Position 22)
Hahn, Alexander 1979 EB:Hahn Electoral District 191
Hahn, Ann Christin 1980 GRÜNE Electoral District 007 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 13)
Hahn, Florian Peter 1974 CSU Electoral District 220 and
Land Bayern (Position 7)
Dr. Hahn, Ingo Jochen 1971 AfD Electoral District 222 and
Land Bayern (Position 16)
Hahn, Laura 1998 FDP Electoral District 261 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 36)
Hahn, Leon Maria Michael 1991 SPD Electoral District 293 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 14)
Hahn, Marie-Katrine 1982 SSW Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 14)
Hahn, Sabine 1965 Tierschutzpartei Electoral District 223 and
Land Bayern (Position 7)
Hähnlein, René Jens 1971 BSW Electoral District 237 and
Land Bayern (Position 7)
Hain, Heiko 1982 CSU Electoral District 238 and
Land Bayern (Position 31)
Hainich, Doreen 1967 Die Linke Electoral District 070 and
Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 5)
Haise, Lars 1989 AfD Electoral District 264 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 10)
Hajjali, Hayat 2004 GRÜNE Land Niedersachsen (Position 25)
Hakverdi, Metin 1969 SPD Electoral District 023 and
Land Hamburg (Position 3)
Haldenwang, Thomas 1960 CDU Electoral District 101
Hallmann, Jeannette 1967 BSW Land Hessen (Position 8)
Hamadache, Salsabil 1994 MERA25 Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 1)
Hamal, Klaus 1965 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 211 and
Land Bayern (Position 34)
Hamann, Dominik Marko Falk 1993 FDP Electoral District 077
Hamann, Jessica 1991 Die Linke Electoral District 154 and
Land Sachsen (Position 15)
Hamich, Martina 1967 Die Linke Electoral District 041
Hamid, Taoufik 1976 EB:Hamid Electoral District 246
Hammann, Claus Sebastian 2002 ÖDP Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 20)
Hänchen, Siegmund 1970 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 156
Dr. Handel, Martin 1970 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 280
Handschuch, Christina 1984 Volt Land Niedersachsen (Position 19)
Haneberg, Sarah 1993 CSU Land Bayern (Position 66)
Hänel, Monique 1985 GRÜNE Electoral District 156 and
Land Sachsen (Position 5)
Hänig, Johannes Sven 1999 FDP Electoral District 065 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 6)
Hank, Peter Ernst 1954 dieBasis Electoral District 273 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 8)
Hanker, Mirco Karsten 1966 AfD Electoral District 050 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 10)
Hannig, Jenny 1992 Die PARTEI Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 2)
Hannig, Mark 1973 PdH Land Hessen (Position 8)
Hannker, Heike 1978 FDP Electoral District 033 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 19)
Hans, Sandra 1979 SPD Land Saarland (Position 4)
Hanschke, Robert Friedemann Lothar 1985 Die PARTEI Electoral District 064 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 4)
Hansel, Frank-Christian 1964 AfD Electoral District 080
Hänsel, Gottfried 1951 CSU Land Bayern (Position 87)
Hansen, Dirk 1972 FDP Electoral District 108 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 59)
Hansen, Frank 1970 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 11)
Hansen, Kerstin Birgit 1971 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 5)
Hansen, Lasse 1997 CDU Electoral District 074
Hanser, Thomas 1990 Die Linke Electoral District 280 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 14)
Haramus, Mariana Boganívna 1981 Volt Electoral District 181 and
Land Hessen (Position 3)
Harapat, Dominic 1983 Die PARTEI Land Hessen (Position 1)
Hardrath, Marcel 1981 FDP Electoral District 188 and
Land Thüringen (Position 7)
Hardt, Jürgen 1963 CDU Electoral District 102 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 21)
Hardt, Roland Walther 1969 Die PARTEI Electoral District 185
Harms, Henning 1967 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 037 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 4)
Harrsen, Hans-Dieter 1958 FREIE WÄHLER Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 10)
Härtel, Yildiz 1966 SPD Electoral District 210 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 11)
Hartenstein-Wiermann, Gitta-Susann 1976 Die Linke Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 7)
Hartewig, Philipp 1994 FDP Electoral District 160 and
Land Sachsen (Position 2)
Harting, Burkhard Johannes 1962 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 105 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 11)
Hartl, Monika Chantal Margarita 1971 GRÜNE Land Bayern (Position 47)
Hartmann, Berthold Karl 1952 AfD Land Hessen (Position 19)
Hartmann, Danny 1984 PIRATEN Land Niedersachsen (Position 6)
Hartmann, Eric 1995 Tierschutzpartei Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 13)
Hartmann, Hendrik 2004 FDP Electoral District 024 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 21)
Hartmann, Marion 1984 CDU Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 25)
Hartmann, Martin Josef 1983 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Bayern (Position 10)
Hartmann, Sebastian 1977 SPD Electoral District 096 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 3)
Hartmann, Wilhelm 1973 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 173 and
Land Hessen (Position 1)
Hartwig, Bernd Hans 1965 EB:Hartwig Electoral District 073
Harzer, Ulrike 1968 FDP Electoral District 163 and
Land Sachsen (Position 3)
Haspel, Heike Karin 1969 CSU Land Bayern (Position 70)
Hassan, Manaf 1989 BSW Land Berlin (Position 6)
Hassanpour Fard Khorashad, Dariush 1996 Die Linke Electoral District 055 and
Land Bremen (Position 2)
Haßdenteufel, Christina 1975 CDU Land Saarland (Position 9)
Haßelmann, Britta Maria 1961 GRÜNE Electoral District 131 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 1)
Hassenzahl, Florian 1978 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Hessen (Position 5)
Hauenschild, Johannes Martin 1997 Volt Electoral District 182 and
Land Hessen (Position 8)
Hauer, Matthias 1977 CDU Electoral District 119 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 10)
Haug, Jochen 1973 AfD Electoral District 094 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 9)
Haug, Thilo Achim 1969 Die PARTEI Electoral District 289
Dr. Hauk, Clemens Johannes 1965 AfD Electoral District 175 and
Land Hessen (Position 13)
Haunhorst, Lutz 1989 FDP Electoral District 038 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 12)
Haupt, Johann 1984 CDU Electoral District 160 and
Land Sachsen (Position 19)
Haupt, Niklas 1986 Die Linke Electoral District 242
Hauptmann, Max 1988 FDP Electoral District 018 and
Land Hamburg (Position 4)
Hauschild, Jürgen 1951 AfD Land Bremen (Position 2)
Hauschild, Mike 1972 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 155
Hauser, Karl 1958 FDP Land Bayern (Position 53)
Häuser-Eltgen, Sabine Beatrice Margarete 1960 GRÜNE Land Hessen (Position 21)
Hausmann, Markus 1987 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 091 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 12)
Hauß, Christopher Ralf 1996 CDU Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 16)
Dr. Haversath, Peter Christian 1980 Tierschutzpartei Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 7)
Hecht, Henrik 1995 FDP Electoral District 254 and
Land Bayern (Position 36)
Hecht, Jessica Berta 1972 GRÜNE Electoral District 250 and
Land Bayern (Position 15)
Dr. Heck, Stefan 1982 CDU Electoral District 170 and
Land Hessen (Position 6)
Hecker, Roland 1961 SPD Land Niedersachsen (Position 67)
Heckeroth, Tim 2004 FDP Electoral District 048 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 28)
Heerschop, Sacha 1987 Volt Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 29)
Heger, Klaus 1955 AfD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 34)
Hehenkamp, Niklas 1993 Die Linke Electoral District 017 and
Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 6)
Dr. Heidelmann, Marc-André 1989 CDU Land Bremen (Position 5)
Heidemann, Thomas 1964 GRÜNE Electoral District 033 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 30)
Heidenreich, Ernesto Joseph 1998 MLPD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 13)
Heider, Dorit Inés 1994 EB:Heider Electoral District 082
Dr. Heider, Silvio 1987 SPD Electoral District 163 and
Land Sachsen (Position 12)
Heidkamp, Erich Heinrich 1948 AfD Electoral District 178
Heidt, Peter 1965 FDP Electoral District 176 and
Land Hessen (Position 7)
Heil, Mechthild 1961 CDU Electoral District 197 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 4)
Heil, Wolfgang-Hubertus Ernst Ulrich 1972 SPD Electoral District 045 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 5)
Heiligenstadt, Frauke 1966 SPD Electoral District 052 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 8)
Heilmann, Michael 1959 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 173 and
Land Hessen (Position 7)
Heilmann, Thomas 1964 CDU Land Berlin (Position 11)
Heim, Sarah 1996 GRÜNE Electoral District 264 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 22)
Heim, Wolf Adrian 1964 ÖDP Electoral District 214 and
Land Bayern (Position 12)
Heimann, Anna Luisa 2006 FDP Electoral District 095 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 26)
Heimes, Christian 1967 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 4)
Hein, Juliane 1984 BSW Electoral District 191
Hein, René 1965 AfD Land Sachsen (Position 16)
Heindl, Stefan 1968 FDP Electoral District 238 and
Land Bayern (Position 49)
Heine, Justus 2000 Die Linke Electoral District 277 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 12)
Heine, Matthias Bodo Jürgen 1964 dieBasis Land Niedersachsen (Position 6)
Heineking, Kareen 1974 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 033
Dr. Heinicke, Eike Hein 1944 BSW Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 12)
Heinrich, Daniel 1984 PdF Land Berlin (Position 2)
Heinrich, Gabriela 1963 SPD Electoral District 243 and
Land Bayern (Position 10)
Heinrich, Susan 1981 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 164 and
Land Sachsen (Position 4)
Heinrichsdorff, Ulf-Fabian 1982 CDU Land Niedersachsen (Position 61)
Dr. Heintze, Roland 1973 CDU Electoral District 020 and
Land Hamburg (Position 4)
Heinz, Luis 2005 Volt Electoral District 147 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 20)
Dr. Heinze, Thorsten 1965 SPD Electoral District 053 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 29)
Dr. Heister, Maria Elisabeth 1961 Volt Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 23)
Heistrüvers, Bianca 1988 ÖDP Electoral District 233
Heitmann, Linda 1982 GRÜNE Electoral District 019 and
Land Hamburg (Position 3)
Heitmann, Peggy Petra 1964 AfD Electoral District 022 and
Land Hamburg (Position 5)
Helbing, Steffen 1970 CDU Land Brandenburg (Position 13)
Held, Carolin 1994 Die Linke Land Thüringen (Position 7)
Held, Wilke 1990 CDU Land Niedersachsen (Position 36)
Helferich, Matthias 1988 AfD Electoral District 142 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 6)
Helfrich, Mark 1978 CDU Electoral District 003 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 3)
Helgert, Michael Georg 1964 CSU Land Bayern (Position 81)
Hellborn, Jan Wulf Rasmus 1996 Verjüngungsforschung Land Bremen (Position 2)
Heller, Hannah 1990 GRÜNE Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 8)
Dr. Heller, Hermann Christoph 1960 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 4)
Hellinghausen, Jan 1990 SPD Electoral District 196 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 15)
Helling-Plahr, Katrin 1986 FDP Electoral District 137 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 8)
Hellmann, Alexander 1997 PdH Land Bayern (Position 17)
Hellwig, Vivien Theresa 2000 CDU Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 11)
Helmchen, Friederike Claudia 1976 Volt Land Berlin (Position 6)
Helmerich, Frank 1977 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 247 and
Land Bayern (Position 9)
Helmers, Manfred Diedrich 1964 dieBasis Electoral District 223
Helms, Carsten 1976 FDP Electoral District 027 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 9)
Hemmann, Stefan 1984 Die Linke Electoral District 229
Hemmelgarn, Udo Theodor 1959 AfD Electoral District 134 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 17)
Hemmerich, Kai-Uwe 1969 CDU Land Hessen (Position 30)
Hempel, Carsten 1961 AfD Electoral District 121
Hencker, Philipp 1990 Die PARTEI Land Sachsen (Position 11)
Henfling, Madeleine 1983 GRÜNE Electoral District 191 and
Land Thüringen (Position 2)
Hengl, Maximilian 2002 Tierschutzpartei Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 17)
Dr. Henke, Ronny 1978 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Thüringen (Position 6)
Henker, Kevin 1994 FREIE WÄHLER Land Sachsen (Position 13)
Henneberger, Kathrin 1987 GRÜNE Electoral District 108 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 21)
Hennicke, Richard Wilhelm 2002 FDP Electoral District 063
Hennig, Anke 1964 SPD Electoral District 038 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 14)
Hennig, Niklas 1999 PdH Land Sachsen (Position 4)
Henning, Marten Richard 1996 Die Linke Electoral District 161 and
Land Sachsen (Position 6)
Henning, Philipp Jacob 1992 Die Linke Electoral District 170
Henning, Robert 1987 BSW Electoral District 188 and
Land Thüringen (Position 1)
Henningsen, Hans-Walter 1958 CDU Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 33)
Henrichmann, Marc 1976 CDU Electoral District 126
Henschel, Sören Christian 2001 FDP Electoral District 085 and
Land Berlin (Position 9)
Henselin, Marcel 1975 PIRATEN Land Sachsen (Position 7)
Hensinger, Philipp 2003 SPD Electoral District 276 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 31)
Hentschel, Sebastian Shawn Werner 1993 MLPD Land Saarland (Position 2)
Dr. Hentz, Manfred Friedrich 1965 BSW Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 2)
Henze, Stefan 1965 AfD Electoral District 047 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 9)
Henzen, Jörg Klaus 1963 FDP Land Bayern (Position 56)
Hepp, Volker Walfried 1974 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 248 and
Land Bayern (Position 36)
Heppert, Ramona Constanze 1983 BSW Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 4)
Herbrand, Markus Johannes 1971 FDP Electoral District 091 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 12)
Herbst, Hennis 1996 Die Linke Electoral District 015 and
Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 4)
Herbst, Torsten 1973 FDP Electoral District 158 and
Land Sachsen (Position 1)
Herbstreuth, Diana 1981 CDU Electoral District 194 and
Land Thüringen (Position 2)
Herda, Florian 2001 WerteUnion Electoral District 132 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 24)
Herden, Heike Flora 1988 PdF Electoral District 094 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 1)
Herding, Susanne 1970 CSU Land Bayern (Position 60)
Dr. Hermani, Ulrich Peter 1948 FDP Electoral District 197 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 8)
Hermann, Andre Phillipp 1981 GRÜNE Electoral District 217 and
Land Bayern (Position 20)
Hermann, Heinrich Alexandra 1976 Die Linke Electoral District 286
Hermeier, Mareike 1989 Die Linke Electoral District 123 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 11)
Herms, Sandor Herms 1994 Die PARTEI Electoral District 054 and
Land Bremen (Position 1)
Hermsteiner, Malte 2003 Volt Electoral District 030 and
Land Bayern (Position 6)
Herold, Emanuel 1986 GRÜNE Land Bremen (Position 4)
Herpel, Klaus Eugen 1962 FDP Electoral District 230 and
Land Bayern (Position 34)
Herpertz, Anne 1998 PIRATEN Land Sachsen (Position 9)
Herrling, Ana Lena 1990 Volt Electoral District 185 and
Land Hessen (Position 7)
Herrmann, Anna-Marie 1998 Volt Electoral District 045
Herrmann, Bernhard 1966 GRÜNE Electoral District 162 and
Land Sachsen (Position 4)
Herrmann, Klaus Dieter 1960 AfD Electoral District 176 and
Land Hessen (Position 10)
Herrmann, Nicole 1980 SPD Land Saarland (Position 8)
Herter, Thomas 1986 PdH Land Bayern (Position 13)
Hertlein, Patrizia Elisabeth Ursula 1989 BSW Land Thüringen (Position 5)
Dr. Hertrich, Maximilian Franz 1991 SPD Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 6)
Herwegh, Veronika Franziska 1974 dieBasis Electoral District 224 and
Land Bayern (Position 8)
Herzberg, Jessica 1982 SPD Land Niedersachsen (Position 66)
Herzog, Jens 1982 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 235 and
Land Bayern (Position 14)
Heselhaus, Nadine 1978 SPD Electoral District 125 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 6)
Heß, Erik 1984 AfD Electoral District 053 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 25)
Hess, Martin Alexander 1971 AfD Electoral District 265 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 3)
Hess, Nicole Claudia 1973 AfD Land Hessen (Position 9)
Dr. Heß, Peter 1954 FDP Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 19)
Heß, Siegmar 1966 CDU Electoral District 100 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 38)
Hesse, Christina Luisa 1987 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 283 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 6)
Hesse, Klaus-Peter Kurt 1967 CDU Land Hamburg (Position 8)
Hessel, Katja 1972 FDP Electoral District 243 and
Land Bayern (Position 2)
Hetkämper, Jakob 1981 Volt Electoral District 212
Heubach, Heike 1979 SPD Electoral District 252 and
Land Bayern (Position 14)
Dr. Heuberger, Moritz Sebastian 1991 GRÜNE Electoral District 080 and
Land Berlin (Position 8)
Heuer, Dirk-Heinrich 1972 FDP Electoral District 045 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 26)
Heumann, Christian 1977 Die PARTEI Land Niedersachsen (Position 27)
Heumann, Marco 1986 Volt Electoral District 216
Heuser, Nadine 1987 AfD Electoral District 089
Dr. Heußen, Josef Maria Michael 1963 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 112
Heuter, Jörg Gerd Werner 1965 CDU Electoral District 153 and
Land Sachsen (Position 17)
Heveling, Ansgar Guido Karl Johannes 1972 CDU Electoral District 109 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 19)
Hey, Andreas 1964 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 042 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 2)
Heybeck, Benedict 1998 SPD Land Hessen (Position 49)
Heywinkel, Franziska 1991 PdH Electoral District 221 and
Land Bayern (Position 9)
Hickel, Konrad 1982 GRÜNE Land Berlin (Position 14)
Hickler, Johanna 1953 MLPD Land Hessen (Position 7)
Hierl, Susanne 1973 CSU Electoral District 231 and
Land Bayern (Position 22)
Hiesl, Nikolai 1995 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 237 and
Land Bayern (Position 32)
Hilbers, Stephan 1970 AfD Land Bremen (Position 4)
Hildebrand, Maren 1981 CDU Land Hessen (Position 25)
Dr. Hiller, Matthias Fabian 1985 CDU Electoral District 262
Hiller, Ulrike Elisabeth 1965 SPD Electoral District 054 and
Land Bremen (Position 1)
Hillmann, Uwe Fritz Erich 1957 Tierschutzpartei Electoral District 047 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 3)
Hillmann-Richter, Anke 1973 FDP Electoral District 291 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 16)
Hillner, Andrea Ursula Juliane 1964 dieBasis Land Niedersachsen (Position 9)
Hilmer, Olaf 1972 AfD Land Niedersachsen (Position 11)
Hilse, Karsten 1964 AfD Electoral District 155 and
Land Sachsen (Position 2)
Hilwig, Arnd 1973 CDU Electoral District 144 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 26)
Hinkelbein, Barbara Rebecca Anja 1975 Die PARTEI Electoral District 218 and
Land Bayern (Position 1)
Hinrich, Christian 1983 FREIE WÄHLER Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 10)
Hintz, Mark 1969 Die Linke Electoral District 004 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 8)
Hinz, Sabrina 1988 Volt Electoral District 205 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 11)
Hinz, Steffen 1989 Die PARTEI Land Hamburg (Position 8)
Hippert, Elisa Jelena 1986 Volt Electoral District 278 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 7)
Hirdes, Monika 1953 SPD Land Niedersachsen (Position 40)
Hirsch, Harald Jörg Hubertus 1967 dieBasis Land Bayern (Position 17)
Hirschfeld, Magnus Bruno 1970 CDU Land Niedersachsen (Position 59)
Hirschfelder geb. Hofmann, Manuel Paul 1971 FREIE WÄHLER Land Bayern (Position 50)
Hirschka, Celine Sophie 1999 Volt Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 5)
Hirt, Herbert Claus 1968 dieBasis Land Niedersachsen (Position 10)
Hirte, Christian 1976 CDU Electoral District 189 and
Land Thüringen (Position 1)
Hirt-Neumann, Elke Susanne 1963 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 207 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 1)
Hirtreiter, Michael Ludwig 1982 ÖDP Electoral District 230 and
Land Bayern (Position 13)
Hobbs, Tiny Dietmar 1958 SPD Land Hessen (Position 43)
Hoburg, Cord 1973 FREIE WÄHLER Land Niedersachsen (Position 16)
Hochbaum, Robert 1954 CDU Electoral District 165
Hochheiden, Hilke Katharina Antonie 1993 Die Linke Electoral District 029
Hochrein, Claus 1974 CSU Land Bayern (Position 37)
Höchst, Nicole 1970 AfD Electoral District 200 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 2)
Höchtl, Elisabeth 1957 MLPD Electoral District 092
Höcker, Annegret 1954 MLPD Electoral District 074 and
Land Berlin (Position 4)
Dr. Hocker, Gero Clemens 1975 FDP Electoral District 034 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 4)
Hoederath, Marie Sophie 1990 FDP Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 25)
Hofer, Sepp 1965 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 221 and
Land Bayern (Position 6)
Hoffmann, Alexander 1975 CSU Electoral District 248
Hoffmann, Alexandra 1994 Volt Land Saarland (Position 7)
Hoffmann, Alice Ursula Claudia 1951 BSW Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 4)
Hoffmann, Dustin 1994 CDU Electoral District 083
Hoffmann, Erik 1996 Volt Land Saarland (Position 8)
Hoffmann, Fabian 1993 dieBasis Land Bayern (Position 12)
Hoffmann, Klaus 1963 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 297 and
Land Saarland (Position 8)
Hoffmann, Klaus Josef 1960 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 49)
Hoffmann, Philip Maria Albert 1988 CDU Electoral District 297 and
Land Saarland (Position 4)
Dr. Hoffmann, Viola Cornelia Lieselotte 1989 Volt Electoral District 266
Hoffmann, Yvonne 1971 Die PARTEI Electoral District 079
Hoffmann-Baumstark, Bianca 1980 CSU Land Bayern (Position 48)
Hoffmeister, Kalojan 1999 Volt Land Berlin (Position 7)
Hoffmeister, Sven 1987 FDP Electoral District 082 and
Land Berlin (Position 11)
Höfkes, Heike 1989 Die PARTEI Land Sachsen (Position 2)
Höfler, Lorenz 2002 FREIE WÄHLER Land Bayern (Position 48)
Hofmaier, Franz 1952 ÖDP Electoral District 215
Hofmann, Bianca Maria Anna 1967 FDP Electoral District 207 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 5)
Hofmann, Erik 1986 ÖDP Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 10)
Hofmann, Florian Simon 1996 Die Linke Electoral District 246
Hofmann, Friedrich Christoph 1954 MLPD Electoral District 189 and
Land Thüringen (Position 12)
Hofmann, Lars 1989 Die Linke Electoral District 287
Hofmann, Rolf Jürgen 1963 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 223 and
Land Bayern (Position 38)
Hofmeister, Andreas Kurt 1980 CDU Land Hessen (Position 34)
Dr. Hofreiter, Anton 1970 GRÜNE Electoral District 220 and
Land Bayern (Position 2)
Högel, Christoph 1990 AfD Electoral District 294
Hohensee, Mark Steffen 1992 FDP Electoral District 286 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 18)
Hohlfeld, Nora 2001 FDP Electoral District 157 and
Land Sachsen (Position 9)
Hohmann, Anna Helga Angela 1963 SPD Electoral District 044 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 26)
Holderbaum, Sophie 1994 CDU Land Saarland (Position 16)
Holm, Leif-Erik 1970 AfD Electoral District 012 and
Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 1)
Holter, Julian Gregor 1983 SPD Electoral District 076 and
Land Berlin (Position 7)
Höltke, Andreas 1969 BSW Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 14)
von Holtz, Ottmar Wilhelm 1961 GRÜNE Electoral District 048 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 12)
Holzhauer, Manuel-Dominik 1998 CDU Land Thüringen (Position 15)
Holzhauer, Silke 1976 Die PARTEI Land Hessen (Position 7)
Holzhäuser, Sylvia 1968 CDU Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 20)
Holzmann, Godela Waltraud 1968 Volt Land Bayern (Position 19)
Holzmann, Jochen 1972 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 267 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 7)
Holzmann, Kim Christin 1988 Volt Electoral District 005 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 1)
Hombach, Andreas 1962 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Berlin (Position 5)
Homm, Claus Günther 1980 SPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 68)
Hönel, Bruno 1996 GRÜNE Electoral District 011 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 6)
Hönig, Johann Sebastian Günter 1951 EB:Hönig Electoral District 051
Hooghoughi, Fardad 1989 FDP Electoral District 092 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 28)
Hoppe, Yannick 1993 FDP Electoral District 103 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 19)
Dr. Hoppenstedt, Hendrik 1972 CDU Electoral District 043 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 3)
Hoppermann, Franziska Christina Brigitte 1982 CDU Electoral District 022 and
Land Hamburg (Position 2)
Horb, Margaret 1967 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 15)
Hördemann, Julian 1994 SPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 70)
Horend, Christian 1973 CDU Land Niedersachsen (Position 49)
Hörhold, Andreas 1969 MLPD Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 5)
Horlbeck, Olaf 1965 GRÜNE Electoral District 165 and
Land Sachsen (Position 6)
Horn, Christian 1987 EB:Horn Electoral District 195
Dr. Horn, Fabian 1985 FDP Electoral District 040 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 31)
Dr. Horn, Hans Werner 1953 BSW Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 12)
Horn, Katharina 1998 GRÜNE Electoral District 016 and
Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 3)
Hörner, Manfred Erich Paul 1951 MLPD Land Bayern (Position 5)
Horn-Posmyk, Ingeborg 1957 AfD Electoral District 183 and
Land Hessen (Position 15)
Hornung, Lukas Johannes 1997 SPD Electoral District 273 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 20)
Horst, Benita 1978 FDP Electoral District 159 and
Land Sachsen (Position 12)
Horst, Jochen Fritz 1961 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 2)
Horst, Klara 1995 CDU Land Niedersachsen (Position 43)
Horster, Peter 1965 BSW Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 6)
Hösch, Harald 1971 EB:Hösch Electoral District 205
Dr. Höschel, Mathias 1967 CDU Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 62)
Hose, Michael 1984 CDU Electoral District 192 and
Land Thüringen (Position 4)
Hösl, Stephan 1966 FREIE WÄHLER Land Sachsen (Position 3)
Hoss, Anne 1986 FDP Electoral District 127 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 44)
Hoß, Luke Rolf 2001 Die Linke Electoral District 228 and
Land Bayern (Position 4)
Hostert, Jasmina 1982 SPD Electoral District 260 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 7)
Hostert-Hack, Carolin 1996 CDU Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 28)
Höttcher, Carsten 1964 CDU Land Niedersachsen (Position 34)
Housseinoglu, Cihan Cengiz 1987 Team Todenhöfer Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 20)
Howad, Niklas 1990 CDU Land Niedersachsen (Position 42)
Howel, Jenifer 1986 GRÜNE Electoral District 065
Hradecky, Denise Marie 1981 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 27)
Huber, Adolf 1961 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 284
Huber, Martin Frederick 1997 Volt Land Hessen (Position 10)
Dr. Huber, Max 1982 ÖDP Electoral District 227 and
Land Bayern (Position 14)
Huber, Valentin Alfred Rudolf 1997 CSU Land Bayern (Position 59)
Huber, Vera Gerlinde 1981 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 21)
Huber-Aydemir, Stefan Oliver 1975 SPD Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 31)
Hubertz, Verena Ute 1987 SPD Electoral District 202 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 3)
Hübinger, Guido Robert 1969 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 199 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 9)
Hübner, Anja 1989 Tierschutzpartei Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 3)
Hübner, Christoph 1986 Tierschutzpartei Electoral District 232 and
Land Bayern (Position 24)
Hübscher, Roland Alexander 1960 AfD Electoral District 243
Hudyma, Christine-Maria 1961 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 145
Huesmann, Leon 1994 Die Linke Electoral District 050
Huf, Ulrike 1985 SPD Land Hessen (Position 36)
Hufnagel, Thomas 1974 Die PARTEI Electoral District 062
Hühne, Peter Gerd Wilfried 1974 Die PARTEI Land Niedersachsen (Position 18)
Hühnerbein, Ruben Christian 1979 FDP Electoral District 269 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 29)
Huland, Valeska 1975 Volt Electoral District 097
Hüller, Sebastian Gerhard 2000 GRÜNE Electoral District 013
Hummel, Andreas 1983 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 195 and
Land Thüringen (Position 1)
Hummel, Daniel 1982 Volt Land Bayern (Position 32)
Hummel, Lilly 2000 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 10)
Hümpfer, Markus Klaus 1992 SPD Electoral District 249 and
Land Bayern (Position 21)
Hund, Olaf-Christian 1965 PdH Land Hessen (Position 7)
Hundsdörfer, Torben Hunni 2003 FDP Electoral District 134 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 30)
Dr. Hunger, Katharina 1982 PdH Land Hessen (Position 6)
Hunko, Andrej Konstantin 1963 BSW Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 5)
Huntemann, Alica 1993 SPD Land Hamburg (Position 10)
Hurna, Scarlett Diana 1977 Volt Electoral District 007 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 7)
Hurst, Leopold 1991 Die Linke Electoral District 291
Hussain, Assad 2001 SPD Electoral District 272 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 28)
Hutschalik, Günter 1955 FREIE WÄHLER Land Sachsen (Position 9)
Hütter, Carsten 1964 AfD Land Sachsen (Position 8)
Hüwe, Hanna 1991 GRÜNE Electoral District 126 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 31)
Huy, Rose Gerrit 1953 AfD Electoral District 225 and
Land Bayern (Position 4)