Bundestag election 2025

All candidates in alphabetical order

Last name, first names Year of birth Political party in
van Laak, Yannick Maurice 1996 CSU Land Bayern (Position 51)
Labatzki, Gerhard 1954 MLPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 8)
Labetzke, Michael 1970 GRÜNE Electoral District 055 and
Land Bremen (Position 2)
Dr. Labitzke Rathert, Anna Leonore 1977 AfD Electoral District 120 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 11)
Lachenmayer, Raphael Jonas 1997 PdH Electoral District 254 and
Land Bayern (Position 11)
Laddey, Mario 1973 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 067 and
Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 3)
Ladzinski, Thomas Max 1989 AfD Electoral District 158 and
Land Sachsen (Position 4)
Lahrkamp, Sarah 1981 SPD Electoral District 123 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 24)
Dr. Lakhdar, Fatia 1971 Team Todenhöfer Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 11)
Lallinger, Franz Xaver 1997 Die PARTEI Electoral District 259
Lamely, Pierre 1981 AfD Electoral District 173 and
Land Hessen (Position 5)
Lamp, Jürgen 1955 CDU Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 35)
Lamparter, Raimond Richard 1968 AfD Electoral District 280
Landgraf, Dennis Shawn 2001 Tierschutzpartei Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 10)
Landsberg, Marcel 1985 Volt Electoral District 096
Lang, Alexandra 1995 Volt Electoral District 219 and
Land Bayern (Position 1)
Lang, Andreas Georg Alexander 1957 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 026
Lang, Derya 1992 Tierschutzpartei Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 4)
Lang, Julia 1982 CSU Land Bayern (Position 58)
Lang, Ricarda 1994 GRÜNE Electoral District 269 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 2)
Langbehn, Rüdiger Skule 1954 CDU Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 31)
Lange, Helmut Walter Wolfgang 1952 MLPD Land Bremen (Position 5)
Lange, Klaus 1961 AfD Electoral District 135
Lange, Linda 1986 Volt Land Bayern (Position 21)
Lange, Ulrich Josef 1969 CSU Electoral District 253
Lange, Wanja Max 1987 MLPD Electoral District 054 and
Land Bremen (Position 2)
Langemeier, Kay 1977 MLPD Electoral District 053 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 4)
Langen, Frauke Johanna 1977 SPD Electoral District 030 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 28)
Langer, Markus 1986 Volt Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 30)
Dr. Langer, Peter 1969 BSW Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 4)
Langhorst, Mattis Tomas Karl-Dietrich 1967 dieBasis Land Bayern (Position 23)
Langner, Stephanie 1969 dieBasis Electoral District 026
Lang-Posse, Michelle Monique 1997 FREIE WÄHLER Land Saarland (Position 10)
Lanig, Marie-Sophie Hedwig 1995 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 17)
Dr. Lannert, Christian 1984 CDU Land Hessen (Position 52)
Lanwer, Paul Otto 2002 FDP Electoral District 032 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 11)
Lappe, Markus Rainer 1973 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 169 and
Land Hessen (Position 7)
Larem, Andreas 1964 SPD Electoral District 185 and
Land Hessen (Position 17)
Laschet, Armin 1961 CDU Electoral District 086 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 7)
Laser, Fritz 1993 Die Linke Electoral District 090
Latendorf, Ina 1971 Die Linke Electoral District 012 and
Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 2)
Latour, Laurent Carl 2000 Tierschutzpartei Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 3)
Laue, Matthias 1973 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 045
Lauer-Zimmermann, Sandra 1971 Tierschutzpartei Land Saarland (Position 3)
Dr. Launert, Silke 1976 CSU Electoral District 236 and
Land Bayern (Position 20)
Lauria, Pasquale 1976 BSW Land Hessen (Position 6)
Lausen, Anastacia 2002 Die Linke Electoral District 285
Lausten, Mads 1998 SSW Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 7)
Lautenschläger, Uwe 1969 Volt Electoral District 183
Dr. Lauterbach, Karl Wilhelm 1963 SPD Electoral District 100
Lay, Caren Nicole 1972 Die Linke Electoral District 155 and
Land Sachsen (Position 2)
Le Claire, Vincent 1989 Die Linke Electoral District 254 and
Land Bayern (Position 16)
Lechte, Ulrich Werner Maria 1977 FDP Electoral District 232 and
Land Bayern (Position 11)
Lecke, Axel 1970 FREIE WÄHLER Land Hessen (Position 14)
Ledina, Philip 1995 PdH Land Bayern (Position 10)
Lehmann, Felix 2000 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 44)
Lehmann, Jens 1967 CDU Electoral District 151 and
Land Sachsen (Position 4)
Lehmann, Jesse Joey Anthony 1985 PdH Land Bayern (Position 18)
Lehmann, Maik Harald 1968 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 155 and
Land Sachsen (Position 9)
Lehmann, Sven 1979 GRÜNE Electoral District 093 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 4)
Lehmann, Xenia Mareike 2002 Die PARTEI Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 6)
Lehmitz, Tim 2004 PIRATEN Land Sachsen (Position 6)
Lehmkühler, Benjamin 1988 FDP Electoral District 143 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 57)
Lehner, Heidi Franziska 1973 Tierschutzpartei Land Bayern (Position 20)
Lehner, Sarah Carmen 1995 SPD Land Bayern (Position 38)
Lehnertz, Clara 2000 Volt Electoral District 201
Lehnhard, Ralf 1972 Die Linke Electoral District 257
Lehnigk, Hubert 1969 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 151
Lehnigk-Emden, Judith 1977 FDP Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 21)
Dr. Lehr, Christian Manfred 1981 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 282
Lehrmann, Christian Hugo 1980 CSU Land Bayern (Position 69)
Leibbrandt, Pascal 1984 GRÜNE Land Thüringen (Position 4)
Leibig, Jonas 1993 Die Linke Electoral District 206 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 8)
Leichthammer, Jörg Martin 1967 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 177 and
Land Hessen (Position 19)
Leidt, Kerstin 1970 GRÜNE Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 25)
Dr. Leinen, Felix Andreas 1957 ÖDP Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 15)
Leinen, Lukas 1991 ÖDP Electoral District 204 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 20)
Leinz, Rolf 1963 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 183 and
Land Hessen (Position 5)
Leipold, Felix 1999 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 222 and
Land Bayern (Position 18)
Leiser, Kevin 1993 SPD Electoral District 268 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 16)
Leisner, Philipp 1991 Volt Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 16)
Lemke, Marvin 1998 FREIE WÄHLER Land Niedersachsen (Position 19)
Lemke, Sonja Janet 1991 Die Linke Electoral District 142 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 5)
Lemke, Steffi 1968 GRÜNE Electoral District 070 and
Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 1)
Lemm, Max 1991 CDU Land Niedersachsen (Position 63)
Lemm, Michael 1975 Die Linke Electoral District 189 and
Land Thüringen (Position 6)
Lenger-Atan, Claudia Regine Elisabeth 1948 MLPD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 20)
Lenhard, Rebecca 1995 GRÜNE Electoral District 243 and
Land Bayern (Position 11)
Lenke, Marie Nadine 2004 Volt Electoral District 049
Lenkeit, Kevin 1985 SPD Land Bremen (Position 6)
Lenkert, Ralph 1967 Die Linke Electoral District 190
Lensing, Sascha 1973 AfD Electoral District 115 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 7)
Dr. Lenz, Andreas 1981 CSU Electoral District 212
Lenzen-Brückmann, Tanja Gerta 1971 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 089
Leonhard, André Bernd 1990 BSW Land Bayern (Position 23)
Leonhardt, Patrick 1989 Die Linke Electoral District 164
Leopold, Lars 1977 BSW Land Niedersachsen (Position 10)
Leopold, Sabine 1958 MLPD Electoral District 121
Lepère, Arnd 1961 Tierschutzpartei Land Hessen (Position 5)
Lequen, Stephan Herbert 1975 GRÜNE Electoral District 201
Lerche, Eileen Vanessa 1996 FDP Electoral District 283 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 25)
Lerps, Anka 1964 MLPD Land Thüringen (Position 7)
Leschny, Björn 1981 GRÜNE Electoral District 090
Lesny, Sandra 1979 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Hessen (Position 8)
Lesser, Jörg 1959 Die PARTEI Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 5)
Leudesdorff, Lino Rene 1987 SPD Land Hessen (Position 27)
Leupold, Andreas 1991 AfD Land Thüringen (Position 4)
Leutz, Eberhard Rainer 1969 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 276
Leuzinger, Björn 1989 Die PARTEI Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 35)
Lewoschkin, Carsten 1977 Die PARTEI Land Niedersachsen (Position 30)
Lex, Alexander 1987 AfD Electoral District 136
Leye, Christian 1981 BSW Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 2)
Licht, Lif Greta 2004 Die Linke Electoral District 125 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 19)
Licina-Bode, Luiza 1972 SPD Electoral District 147 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 26)
Lieb, Leonie Tabea Johanna 1995 EB:Lieb Electoral District 219
Dr. Lieb, Thorsten Willibald 1973 FDP Electoral District 182 and
Land Hessen (Position 2)
Liebegott, Marcel 1979 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 099 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 6)
Liebenow, Maurice 2000 PdH Land Sachsen (Position 3)
Lieberam, Christian Tomas 1982 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 080 and
Land Berlin (Position 9)
Liebert, Anja Christiane 1969 GRÜNE Electoral District 101 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 25)
Liebert, Heidi 1970 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 40)
Liebl, Yannic Elias 2003 AfD Electoral District 230 and
Land Bayern (Position 26)
Lillge, Ulrike Martina 1950 BüSo Land Berlin (Position 6)
Dr. Lillge, Wolfgang 1950 BüSo Land Berlin (Position 3)
Limbacher, Esra-Leon Ruben 1989 SPD Electoral District 299 and
Land Saarland (Position 1)
Limburg, Helge Stefan 1982 GRÜNE Electoral District 046 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 2)
Lindackers, Uwe 1959 AfD Electoral District 116
Linde, Marion 1966 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 148
Lindh, Helge Frederik 1976 SPD Electoral District 101 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 41)
Lindholz, Andrea 1970 CSU Electoral District 246 and
Land Bayern (Position 2)
Lindner, Christian 1979 FDP Electoral District 099 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 1)
Lindner, Lin 1994 Die Linke Electoral District 202 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 3)
Lindner, Thomas 1974 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 023 and
Land Hamburg (Position 1)
Lingg, Andrea Barbara 1960 MLPD Land Brandenburg (Position 3)
Link, Dietmar 1965 CDU Electoral District 152 and
Land Sachsen (Position 14)
Link, Michael Georg 1963 FDP Electoral District 267 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 3)
Link, Werner Josef 1951 EB:Link Electoral District 102
Linke, Maik 1996 SPD Electoral District 165 and
Land Sachsen (Position 14)
Linke, Uschi 1965 Volt Land Bayern (Position 17)
Dr. Linnemann, Carsten 1977 CDU Electoral District 136
Linnhoff, Roland 1969 Die Linke Electoral District 145
Linse, Joachim 1986 GRÜNE Electoral District 255 and
Land Bayern (Position 60)
Linsel, Viktor 1997 Die Linke Land Niedersachsen (Position 8)
Linsenhoff, Ann Kathrin 1960 CDU Land Hessen (Position 10)
Lipp, Florian Martin 1989 Volt Electoral District 254
Lipp, Nils Peter 1993 Volt Land Saarland (Position 9)
Lipp, Sabine 1966 CDU Land Hessen (Position 39)
Dr. Lippmann, Karsten 1978 Die Linke Electoral District 068 and
Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 4)
Lippold, Marco 1973 Die PARTEI Land Sachsen (Position 22)
Lips, Patricia Ingrid 1963 CDU Electoral District 186 and
Land Hessen (Position 1)
Listmann, Sina Arabella 1987 BSW Electoral District 210 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 2)
Litau, Vladislav 1998 SPD Land Hamburg (Position 9)
Livonius, Nicolai Georg 1959 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 2)
Löbrich-Mannhart, Reinhild 1962 Tierschutzpartei Land Bayern (Position 22)
Löchel, Jana 1992 Die PARTEI Land Bayern (Position 3)
Locher, Jürgen 1961 Die Linke Electoral District 200
Lochmüller, Christoph Johannes 1967 GRÜNE Electoral District 212 and
Land Bayern (Position 32)
Loest, Sebastian Dietmar 1985 FDP Electoral District 126 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 55)
Löffel-Staßen, Alina 2004 SPD Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 18)
Lohmann, Susanne Britta 1972 GRÜNE Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 19)
Lohmann, Vincent Franz 2001 GRÜNE Electoral District 109
Lohse, Jörg 1973 BSW Electoral District 194
Loibl, Alexandra 1966 Tierschutzpartei Land Bayern (Position 17)
Loop, Denise 1994 GRÜNE Electoral District 002 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 3)
Loose, Martin Walter Reinhold 1957 dieBasis Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 9)
Löper, Anna Hilde 1958 dieBasis Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 3)
Lorenz, Steven 2005 Die Linke Electoral District 173
Lösel, Lisa 1998 ÖDP Electoral District 235 and
Land Bayern (Position 5)
Lötsch, Nils Christopher 1968 CDU Electoral District 011 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 13)
Löwe, Karin Elke 1957 BSW Land Brandenburg (Position 5)
Loy, Sascha Alfons 1978 Volt Electoral District 062
Lübbert, Maike 1961 Die PARTEI Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 21)
Dr. Lübcke, Andrea 1978 GRÜNE Electoral District 062 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 3)
Lucassen, Hans Rüdiger 1951 AfD Electoral District 091 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 5)
Lücke, Kevin Andreas 1983 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Hamburg (Position 2)
Lucks, Max 1997 GRÜNE Electoral District 139 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 12)
Dr. Luczak, Jan-Marco 1975 CDU Electoral District 080 and
Land Berlin (Position 1)
Lüdemann-Johr, Daniel 1991 Die PARTEI Electoral District 068
Lüder, Justus 1969 CDU Electoral District 048 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 23)
Dr. Lüders, Michael Andreas 1959 BSW Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 1)
Ludwig, Daniela 1975 CSU Electoral District 221 and
Land Bayern (Position 4)
Dr. Ludwig, Saskia 1968 CDU Electoral District 060 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 3)
Ludwig, Stefanie 1991 Volt Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 3)
Ludwig, Tim Pascal 1994 FDP Land Bayern (Position 48)
Lugk, Bettina 1982 SPD Electoral District 149 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 14)
Lühring, Sonia Ellen 1962 Tierschutzpartei Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 9)
Dr. Lührmann, Anna 1983 GRÜNE Electoral District 180 and
Land Hessen (Position 1)
Luksic, Oliver 1979 FDP Electoral District 298 and
Land Saarland (Position 1)
Lund, Adrian 1993 GRÜNE Electoral District 253 and
Land Bayern (Position 50)
Luong, Quo Chir 1987 MLPD Electoral District 114 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 15)
Lütgering, Luis Luca 1997 CDU Land Niedersachsen (Position 54)
Lütke, Kristine 1982 FDP Electoral District 245 and
Land Bayern (Position 21)
Lüttich, Nadja 1974 Die Linke Electoral District 066 and
Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 3)
Lutz, Gerhard Bernhard 1956 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 57)
Lutz, Peter 1962 AfD Electoral District 184
Lutzeier, Michael 1966 Die PARTEI Land Bayern (Position 33)
Lützel, Nadja 1977 FREIE WÄHLER Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 2)
Luxenburger, Jan-Philipp 1987 CDU Land Saarland (Position 10)
Lyons, Almaith Hannahrosa 2003 Die PARTEI Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 34)