Bundestag election 2025

All candidates in alphabetical order

Last name, first names Year of birth Political party in
Jachmann, Martin 1977 BSW Land Sachsen (Position 12)
Jacke, Rolf Dieter 1963 Die PARTEI Land Niedersachsen (Position 26)
Jäckh-Vermeulen, Johanna Bouwke 1950 MLPD Electoral District 260 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 12)
Jackson, Johannes Cyrus 1987 Die PARTEI Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 18)
Jacob, Britta 1980 GRÜNE Electoral District 214 and
Land Bayern (Position 19)
Jacob, Jana 1998 Volt Electoral District 221 and
Land Bayern (Position 5)
Jacobi, Fabian 1973 AfD Electoral District 092 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 2)
Jacobi, Shannon-Alisha 1999 Die PARTEI Land Hessen (Position 2)
Jaegers, Jan 1995 Die Linke Electoral District 235
Jäger, Benjamin Lev Tobias 1983 EB:Jäger Electoral District 168
Jäger, Carmen Alexandra 1993 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 16)
Jäger, Michael 1957 BSW Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 8)
Jähn, Anne Franziska 1986 CDU Land Hessen (Position 36)
Jahn, Manuel 1996 Volt Electoral District 238 and
Land Bayern (Position 12)
Jähnke, Philipp 1993 Die PARTEI Land Hamburg (Position 1)
Jahnke-Sauer, Christian 1979 Die PARTEI Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 18)
Jährling, Liam Luca 1997 PdH Land Hessen (Position 5)
Jaklin, Hans 1953 dieBasis Land Bayern (Position 28)
Jakob, Gabriele Jessica 1972 CSU Land Bayern (Position 68)
Jakoby, Daniel 1982 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 138
Dr. Jalili Tanha, Thomas 1992 GRÜNE Electoral District 137 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 44)
Jalyschko, Lisa-Marie 1997 GRÜNE Electoral District 050 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 11)
Janecek, Dieter Gerald 1976 GRÜNE Electoral District 219
Janetta, Katharina 1972 GRÜNE Electoral District 107 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 35)
Janich, Steffen 1971 AfD Electoral District 157 and
Land Sachsen (Position 7)
Jänichen, Axel 1964 ÖDP Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 8)
Jänke, Alexander 1970 Tierschutzpartei Land Berlin (Position 10)
Janker, Andreas Robert 1997 Volt Electoral District 227
Jannack, Dennis 1974 Die Linke Electoral District 069 and
Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 6)
Jannack, Josephine 1986 Die PARTEI Electoral District 152
Dr. Jänsch, Janina 1978 CDU Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 60)
Jansen, Matthias Wilfried Hubertus 1981 WerteUnion Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 22)
Janssen, Anne 1982 CDU Electoral District 026 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 4)
Janßen, Vincent Walter 2006 Die Linke Electoral District 026
Jarzombek, Thomas 1973 CDU Electoral District 105 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 13)
Jasik, Mateusz 1978 PdF Land Berlin (Position 1)
Jason, Jeremy 1987 AfD Electoral District 090
Jaster, Ralf Wolfgang 1974 Die Linke Electoral District 290 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 8)
Jaworowski, Wiktor Michał 2005 Volt Electoral District 044
Jecht, Sascha 1987 BSW Electoral District 151 and
Land Sachsen (Position 14)
Dr. Jensch, Doris 1968 GRÜNE Land Hessen (Position 17)
Jensen, Fleming 2001 Volt Electoral District 009 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 12)
Jensen, Thomas 1967 Die Linke Electoral District 270
Jensen-Bornhöft, Gyde 1989 FDP Electoral District 002 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 2)
Jenß, Lucas Andreas 1989 MERA25 Land Berlin (Position 14)
Jeschke, Friedrich 1983 Volt Electoral District 100 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 12)
Jess, Peter 1980 FDP Electoral District 152 and
Land Sachsen (Position 13)
Jesse, Christopher 2003 GRÜNE Electoral District 029 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 14)
Jesußek, Carsten 1968 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 028 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 1)
Job, Veronika 1955 Tierschutzpartei Land Hessen (Position 8)
Jockel, Cédric Stefan Holger 1998 Volt Land Brandenburg (Position 3)
Jöcker, David 1988 WerteUnion Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 11)
Johann, Ann-Kathrin Lena 1997 FDP Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 30)
Johann, Peter 1952 BSW Land Bayern (Position 22)
Johler, Lena 1993 CDU Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 32)
Johne, Johannes Stephan Michael 1962 dieBasis Electoral District 265 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 2)
Jöhnk, Arne Olaf 1978 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 001 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 5)
Johren, Andreas 1972 Die Linke Electoral District 117
Jonzeck, Holger 1962 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 8)
Joos, Jürgen 1981 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 245 and
Land Bayern (Position 29)
Joos, Michael Andreas 1981 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 093
Joos, Raffael 1992 SPD Electoral District 222 and
Land Bayern (Position 48)
Jordan, Alexander 1981 CDU Electoral District 051 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 22)
Jordan, Nicole 1974 AfD Electoral District 018
Joswig, Julian-Béla 1993 GRÜNE Electoral District 199 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 4)
Jung, Andreas 1975 CDU Electoral District 287 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 3)
Jung, Matthias 1979 BSW Land Sachsen (Position 10)
Jungbär, Tobias 1989 Volt Land Saarland (Position 2)
Junge, Frank Michael 1967 SPD Electoral District 013 and
Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 2)
Junge, Kira Kristin 1994 Volt Land Hamburg (Position 1)
Jünger, Robin 1996 AfD Electoral District 172 and
Land Hessen (Position 3)
Jura, Annett 1973 SPD Land Brandenburg (Position 20)
Juraschka, Jens 1974 SPD Electoral District 164 and
Land Sachsen (Position 9)
Jurgan, Jens-Rainer 1965 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Bremen (Position 4)
Jürgensen, Momme 2002 PIRATEN Land Sachsen (Position 5)
Juric, Marin 2003 GRÜNE Electoral District 286 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 21)
Dr. Jurisch, Ann-Veruschka 1972 FDP Electoral District 287 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 8)
Jurk, Stanislav 1990 Die Linke Electoral District 080
Just, Sandra 1978 Tierschutzpartei Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 5)
Jutzi, Daniel Benjamin 1982 FDP Electoral District 039 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 18)