Bundestag election 2025

All candidates in alphabetical order

Last name, first names Year of birth Political party in
Kaaz, Rafael 1992 Volt Land Berlin (Position 3)
Kachel, Thomas 1970 BSW Land Sachsen (Position 5)
Kaczmarek, Oliver 1970 SPD Electoral District 143 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 11)
Kadah, Özge 1996 SPD Electoral District 034 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 24)
Kaddor, Lamya 1978 GRÜNE Electoral District 114 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 17)
Käding, Jana 1989 Die PARTEI Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 2)
Kadkalov, Marc 2001 Die PARTEI Electoral District 268 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 8)
Kadzimirsz, Falko 1972 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 071 and
Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 1)
Kägeler, Marko Hartmut Bernhard 1964 FREIE WÄHLER Land Niedersachsen (Position 9)
Kählert, Felix 1987 FDP Land Thüringen (Position 4)
Kahn, Fabian Georg 1997 Volt Electoral District 251
Kahnt, Andreas Emil Rudolf 1960 dieBasis Electoral District 252 and
Land Bayern (Position 11)
Kaida, Florian Roland 1999 CSU Land Bayern (Position 82)
Kaiser, Elisabeth 1987 SPD Electoral District 193 and
Land Thüringen (Position 2)
Kaiser, Marie-Thérèse 1996 AfD Electoral District 030
Kaiser, Michael Werner 1989 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 247 and
Land Bayern (Position 9)
Kaiser, Sophia 1997 CSU Land Bayern (Position 50)
Kaitschick, Dirk 1974 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 053 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 20)
Kallweitt, Martin 1969 AfD Electoral District 197
Kalmes, Peter 1962 BSW Electoral District 209 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 9)
Kaltenhauser, Dieter 1958 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 210 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 6)
Kalweit, Andrea Inge 1969 BSW Land Saarland (Position 5)
Kames, Eva Ingrid 1992 GRÜNE Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 8)
Kaminski, Maren 1979 Die Linke Electoral District 042 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 3)
Kammer, Uwe Andreas 1966 FREIE WÄHLER Land Saarland (Position 1)
Kämmerer, Anna Elisabeth Ulrike 1966 dieBasis Electoral District 250 and
Land Bayern (Position 2)
Kammerer, Axel Christopher 1969 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 299 and
Land Saarland (Position 4)
Kämmerer, Jan 1999 CSU Land Bayern (Position 88)
Kämpf, Lisa 1985 CDU Land Saarland (Position 8)
Kämpfert, Michaela 1972 AfD Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 10)
Kamrath, Georg 1985 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 056 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 11)
Kanew, Amina Inèz 1998 Die Linke Electoral District 016 and
Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 3)
Kanitzky, Stefan Michael 1990 Volt Electoral District 051
Kannegießer, Stefan Rainer 1971 Die PARTEI Electoral District 132
Kanonenberg, Andrea 1981 SPD Electoral District 091 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 38)
Kanstein, Kay-Helge 1965 AfD Electoral District 028 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 24)
Kany, Désirée Annabell 1993 BSW Land Saarland (Position 1)
Kaplick, Rene 1973 CDU Electoral District 059 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 10)
Kappe, Nicklas 1996 CDU Electoral District 124 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 59)
Kappek, Bodo 1994 FREIE WÄHLER Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 1)
Dr. Kappert-Gonther, Kirsten 1966 GRÜNE Electoral District 054 and
Land Bremen (Position 1)
Karaahmetoğlu, Macit 1968 SPD Electoral District 265 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 10)
Karch, Lena Olivia Caoimhe 1971 Die Linke Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 7)
Kardos, Alexander 2003 SPD Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 30)
Dr. Karich, Klaus-Günter 1958 Die Linke Electoral District 065
Karliczek, Anja Maria-Antonia 1971 CDU Electoral District 127 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 4)
Karlikli, Aynur 1964 Die Linke Electoral District 259
Karpinsky, Horst 1966 AfD Electoral District 148
Karstädt, Bianca 1974 SPD Land Brandenburg (Position 14)
Karstedt, Matti 1996 FDP Electoral District 060 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 2)
Kaspar, Heinz Gerd 1964 FDP Electoral District 093 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 37)
Kaspar, Winfried 1959 WerteUnion Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 19)
Kasper, Carlos 1994 SPD Electoral District 162 and
Land Sachsen (Position 6)
Kassautzki, Anna Katharina 1993 SPD Electoral District 015 and
Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 5)
Kastner, Christian 1974 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 35)
Katzmann, Patrick 1974 Die PARTEI Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 22)
Kauer, Helmut 1961 ÖDP Electoral District 224
Kaufmann, Jens Tilo 1977 FDP Electoral District 013 and
Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 2)
Dr. Kaufmann, Malte 1976 AfD Electoral District 274 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 12)
Prof. Dr. Kaufmann, Michael Heinz 1964 AfD Electoral District 194 and
Land Thüringen (Position 8)
Kayser, Karin 1983 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Brandenburg (Position 5)
Kehr, Jonas 2001 CDU Land Hessen (Position 58)
Keil, Andreas Kurt Erich 1962 BSW Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 9)
Keil, Felix 1998 MLPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 9)
Keim, Christel 1968 SPD Land Hessen (Position 42)
Keim, Niklas 1996 SPD Land Hessen (Position 55)
Keller, Alexander Maximilian 2000 FDP Electoral District 170 and
Land Hessen (Position 14)
Keller, Christian Marc Anton 1985 Die PARTEI Land Hessen (Position 15)
Keller, Marcel 1993 SPD Electoral District 255 and
Land Bayern (Position 41)
Keller, Martin 1970 Die PARTEI Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 20)
Kellner, Michael 1977 GRÜNE Electoral District 057 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 2)
Kellner, Robert 1999 FDP Electoral District 064 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 4)
Kelm, Nadine 1986 FDP Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 5)
Kemmer, Andreas 1979 FREIE WÄHLER Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 24)
Kemmer, Ronja Helene 1989 CDU Electoral District 291 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 4)
Kemmerich, Thomas Leonhard 1965 FDP Electoral District 192
Kemna, Andreas 1980 Die PARTEI Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 3)
Kempf, Martina Rose-Marie 1964 AfD Electoral District 281 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 17)
Kerker, Stefan Franz 1977 AfD Land Berlin (Position 8)
Kerkhoff, Birgit 1968 FDP Land Bayern (Position 41)
Kern, Janina 1997 Die PARTEI Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 3)
Dr. Kersten, Franziska 1968 SPD Electoral District 067 and
Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 2)
Kersten, Jens Horst 1966 EB:Kersten Electoral District 067
Kerti, Gurdan Singh 1995 FDP Electoral District 035 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 23)
Kerzel, Sven 1975 dieBasis Electoral District 266
Dr. Kessing, David Jerome 1989 Volt Electoral District 105
Keßler, Jan Philipp 2000 Volt Electoral District 246
Kessner, Karl Wilhelm 1988 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 013 and
Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 5)
Ketteler, Heinrich 1941 Volt Electoral District 130
Ketterl, Simone 1988 BSW Electoral District 228 and
Land Bayern (Position 2)
Keuter, Stefan 1972 AfD Electoral District 119 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 12)
Kever, Rocco 1979 AfD Electoral District 040 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 12)
Khalaf, Seleman 1983 BSW Land Niedersachsen (Position 11)
Khan, Jibran 1985 MERA25 Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 8)
Khan, Misbah Sabeen 1989 GRÜNE Electoral District 207 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 1)
Kiecol, Josephine Emily 2000 SPD Land Niedersachsen (Position 70)
Kiefer, Marcus 1979 BP Electoral District 226
Dr. Kieser, Klaus Peter 1961 FDP Electoral District 299 and
Land Saarland (Position 5)
Kiesewetter, Roderich 1963 CDU Electoral District 270
Kiesling, Michael Wolfgang 1977 BSW Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 15)
Kießling, Michael Hannes 1973 CSU Electoral District 223
Kimmerle, Gudrun 1956 MLPD Land Sachsen (Position 5)
Kind, Jurij Sebastian David 1990 Die PARTEI Land Bayern (Position 19)
Kinder, Andreas 1981 CDU Land Thüringen (Position 12)
Kinzel, Carmen Rita 1959 MLPD Land Niedersachsen (Position 1)
Dr. Kippels, Rudolf Georg 1959 CDU Electoral District 090 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 27)
Kirbach, Ralf 1966 AfD Electoral District 003
Kircher-Zumbrink, Regine 1962 GRÜNE Electoral District 200 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 15)
Kirchgeßner, Noah Winfried 2002 FDP Electoral District 248 and
Land Bayern (Position 40)
Kirchhoff, Michael 1973 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 022 and
Land Hamburg (Position 4)
Kirchner, Enno 1987 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 007 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 7)
Kirmse, Phillip 1989 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 163
Kirschmann, Eduard 1963 PdH Land Niedersachsen (Position 5)
Kirschmann, Roxane Lisa 1997 PdH Land Niedersachsen (Position 2)
Kirstein, Marco 1981 Die PARTEI Electoral District 059
Kisifli, Murat 1978 EB:Kisifli Electoral District 004
Dr. Kissel, Ulrich Karl 1965 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 281
Klamann, Konrad Robert Konstantin 2004 FDP Electoral District 084 and
Land Berlin (Position 8)
Klamt, Guido Alexander Paul 1970 ÖDP Electoral District 265 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 1)
Klappan, Benjamin 1988 Volt Electoral District 113
Dr. Klaue, Thomas Jürgen 1958 FDP Electoral District 220 and
Land Bayern (Position 25)
Klaus, Peter 1965 PdF Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 3)
Klawczynski, Maciej Mateusz 1988 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 111
Klecker, Hermann Heinrich 1968 Die PARTEI Land Bayern (Position 16)
Kleebank, Helmut Heinrich 1964 SPD Electoral District 077 and
Land Berlin (Position 5)
Kleem, Lara 2004 WerteUnion Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 6)
Kleen, Diedrich 1972 Tierschutzpartei Electoral District 024 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 1)
Dr. Kleen, Joachim Lübbo 1974 CDU Electoral District 024 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 19)
Kleffel, Kurt-Peter 1953 MLPD Electoral District 042 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 5)
Kleiber, Tim 1970 Die PARTEI Land Niedersachsen (Position 31)
Klein, Alexander 1987 Volt Land Saarland (Position 4)
Klein, Andreas 1961 WerteUnion Electoral District 147 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 9)
Klein, Fynn Stefan 2005 FDP Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 20)
Klein, Karsten Franziskus 1977 FDP Electoral District 246 and
Land Bayern (Position 4)
Dr. Klein, Ottilie Paola 1984 CDU Electoral District 081 and
Land Berlin (Position 2)
Klein-Braun, Barbara Anna Maria 1955 GRÜNE Land Saarland (Position 3)
Kleine-Klatte, Paul 1969 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 032 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 5)
Kleinschmidt, Kurt Klaus 1967 AfD Electoral District 002 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 1)
Kleinwächter, Norbert 1986 AfD Land Brandenburg (Position 3)
Klemm-Lorenz, Kai Ernst Ralf 2000 GRÜNE Electoral District 188 and
Land Thüringen (Position 7)
Klesmann, Rüdiger Matthias 1960 AfD Electoral District 298 and
Land Saarland (Position 3)
Klewitz, Sascha 1966 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 121 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 9)
Kley, Jean-Paul 1999 FDP Electoral District 062
Kley, Leon Turi 1998 Die Linke Electoral District 063
Dr. Klezl, Helmut Rudolf 1957 AfD Electoral District 186
Kliem, Marvin 1997 SPD Electoral District 230 and
Land Bayern (Position 40)
Dr. Klinck, Kristian 1979 SPD Electoral District 006 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 7)
Klingbeil, Lars 1978 SPD Electoral District 035 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 1)
Klinger, Nils Christian 1998 Volt Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 6)
Klings, Felicitas 1983 PdH Land Hessen (Position 1)
Klingsporn, Max 1983 FDP Electoral District 081 and
Land Berlin (Position 10)
Klinkenberg, Jana 1994 GRÜNE Electoral District 017
Klippel, Bernd 1963 SPD Land Hessen (Position 45)
Klobuczynski, Christian Bruno 1966 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 167
Klöckner, Julia 1972 CDU Electoral District 200 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 1)
Klöckner, Maximilian Carlo 1987 Die PARTEI Electoral District 181
Klömmer, Thomas 1982 CDU Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 17)
Klomsdorf, Nina Inkeri 1983 Volt Electoral District 270 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 1)
Klose, Annika Gisela 1992 SPD Electoral District 074 and
Land Berlin (Position 2)
Klose, Philipp Johannes 2000 FDP Electoral District 089 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 54)
Dr. Klotz, Theodor Alexander 1962 FDP Electoral District 234 and
Land Bayern (Position 61)
Klötzner, Holger 1988 Volt Land Hessen (Position 2)
Kluckert, Daniela Katrin 1980 FDP Electoral District 075 and
Land Berlin (Position 2)
Kluge, Johanna 2005 PIRATEN Land Sachsen (Position 2)
Klughardt, Sascha Udo 1999 PdH Land Bayern (Position 6)
Klüssendorf, Tim 1991 SPD Electoral District 011 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 1)
Klussmann, Lukas Michael 2000 Volt Electoral District 284
Knabner, Susen 1978 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 257 and
Land Bayern (Position 19)
Knapp, Jörg 1966 Die PARTEI Electoral District 243 and
Land Bayern (Position 25)
Knapp, Sebastian 1994 Tierschutzpartei Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 15)
Knau, Sebastian 1994 Volt Electoral District 287
Knauer, Tim Rolf Wilhelm 1979 EB:Knauer Electoral District 039
Knauf, Holger 1989 Volt Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 6)
Kneller, Maximilian 1993 AfD Electoral District 131 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 15)
von dem Knesebeck, Marietta 1943 FREIE WÄHLER Land Bremen (Position 4)
Dr. Knewitz, Johannes 1982 FDP Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 26)
Knoblauch, Hans Antonius 1964 WerteUnion Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 20)
Knoblauch, Luca Alexander 2002 PdF Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 7)
Knoch, Margit Brigitte 1959 BSW Land Bayern (Position 9)
Knoche, Monika 1954 BSW Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 7)
Knodel, Kolja Johannes 1996 Volt Land Bayern (Position 18)
Knodel, Sieghard 1961 AfD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 18)
Knödler, Charlie Benedikt Leonard 2005 Die PARTEI Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 29)
Knoerig, Axel 1967 CDU Electoral District 033 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 18)
Knöfler, Lukas 1987 SSW Electoral District 002 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 3)
Dr. Knopf, Heiko 1989 GRÜNE Electoral District 190 and
Land Thüringen (Position 6)
Knorr-Köning, Seija Anne 1994 SPD Electoral District 219 and
Land Bayern (Position 18)
Knörzer, Peter Werner 1958 dieBasis Electoral District 251 and
Land Bayern (Position 9)
Knust, Sebastian Mauricio 1985 Volt Land Hessen (Position 14)
Kober, Pascal Felix Ernst 1971 FDP Electoral District 289 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 4)
Koçak, Ferat 1979 Die Linke Electoral District 081 and
Land Berlin (Position 6)
Koch, David Christopher 1984 Die Linke Electoral District 207 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 6)
Koch, Fabian 1995 BüSo Land Berlin (Position 7)
Koch, Franziska 1986 Volt Land Brandenburg (Position 1)
Koch, Heinrich Friedrich 1962 AfD Electoral District 275 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 15)
Koch, Matthias Maria Antonius 1962 GRÜNE Electoral District 148
Koch, Terence 2006 Volt Electoral District 158 and
Land Sachsen (Position 6)
Koch-Böhnke, Benjamin 1978 Die Linke Electoral District 030
Kochs, Achim 1969 ÖDP Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 4)
Kock, Christian 1981 Die PARTEI Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 8)
Kocker, Dennis 1979 SPD Electoral District 129 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 37)
Koepke, Jan Hendrik 1990 FDP Electoral District 030 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 27)
Koepsell, Brunhild 1952 MLPD Land Niedersachsen (Position 6)
Dr. Kofler, Bärbel 1967 SPD Electoral District 224 and
Land Bayern (Position 2)
Kofner, Jurij Christopher 1988 AfD Land Bayern (Position 27)
Kögel, Jürgen 1958 AfD Electoral District 267 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 7)
Kohle, John Maik 1964 EB:Kohle Electoral District 062
Köhler, Achim 1964 AfD Electoral District 277 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 9)
Dr. Köhler, Anke 1968 Volt Land Sachsen (Position 7)
Köhler, Christian Andreas Horst 1968 AfD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 24)
Köhler, Frank 1959 WerteUnion Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 7)
Köhler, Günther 1961 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 205 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 8)
Dr. Köhler, Lukas Otto 1986 FDP Electoral District 219 and
Land Bayern (Position 16)
Kohler, Martin Christian Thomas 1997 AfD Electoral District 079
Kohler, Maximilian 1996 GRÜNE Electoral District 169 and
Land Hessen (Position 12)
Köhler, Merten Peter 1992 Volt Electoral District 026
Köhler, Nils-Henrik 1991 Die PARTEI Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 6)
Köhler, Stephan 1966 dieBasis Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 5)
Kohler, Werner Julius 1959 ÖDP Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 16)
Köhler-Babiak, Silvana 1966 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 5)
Köhler-Hande, Isabel 1983 GRÜNE Electoral District 183 and
Land Hessen (Position 20)
Kohlmüller, Monika 1992 CSU Land Bayern (Position 52)
Kohn, Marcel 1981 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 081 and
Land Berlin (Position 3)
Köhne, Sebastian 1985 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 219 and
Land Bayern (Position 13)
Köke, Lars 1970 Die PARTEI Land Bremen (Position 4)
Köktürk, Cansin 1993 Die Linke Electoral District 139 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 2)
Kolb, Leon Paul 1998 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 25)
Kolb, Marianne Rosina 1958 MLPD Electoral District 269 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 8)
Kölbl, Daniel 1993 CDU Electoral District 007 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 9)
Kolhey, Sascha 1993 Volt Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 24)
Kolkmann-Lutz, Dagmar Marie 1953 MLPD Electoral District 164 and
Land Sachsen (Position 2)
Köll, Andreas Josef Wilhelm 1990 Tierschutzpartei Land Hamburg (Position 3)
Kölle, Christian Traugott 1952 MLPD Electoral District 019 and
Land Hamburg (Position 4)
Koller, Johann Georg 1971 CSU Electoral District 228 and
Land Bayern (Position 35)
Koller, Oliver 1978 AfD Electoral District 238
Köllner, Finn Tizian 2003 Die Linke Electoral District 177 and
Land Hessen (Position 6)
Kollster, Silke Ute Ingetraud Marion 1963 CDU Land Niedersachsen (Position 58)
Komning, Enrico 1968 AfD Electoral District 016 and
Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 2)
König, Anja 1970 SPD Electoral District 227 and
Land Bayern (Position 16)
König, Anne 1984 CDU Electoral District 125
König, Christian Athanasius 1998 GRÜNE Electoral District 225 and
Land Bayern (Position 54)
König, Jörn Harald 1967 AfD Electoral District 041 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 2)
König, Roland Helmut Horst 1966 FDP Electoral District 296 and
Land Saarland (Position 2)
König, Rüdiger 1958 FDP Electoral District 119 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 58)
Konrad, Carina 1982 FDP Electoral District 199 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 1)
Kont, Cem Yusuf 1994 Volt Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 6)
Koob, Markus Benjamin 1977 CDU Electoral District 175 and
Land Hessen (Position 9)
Koohestanian, Maral 1991 Volt Land Hessen (Position 1)
Kopec, Uwe Gerhard 1963 PIRATEN Electoral District 047 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 2)
Kopf, Chantal Johanna Siglinde 1995 GRÜNE Electoral District 281 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 9)
Kopp, Christian 1977 FDP Electoral District 208 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 6)
Dr. Korbach, Stefan 1958 CDU Electoral District 178 and
Land Hessen (Position 26)
Korbel, Julian Valentin 1985 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 258 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 16)
Körber, Carsten 1979 CDU Electoral District 164 and
Land Sachsen (Position 1)
Körber, Sebastian Michael 1980 FDP Electoral District 235 and
Land Bayern (Position 22)
Dr. Korell, Steffen Alexander 1984 CDU Land Hessen (Position 37)
Korell, Thomas 1983 AfD Electoral District 066 and
Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 4)
Korkmaz-Emre, Elvan 1985 SPD Electoral District 130 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 40)
Körner, Benjamin 2000 Volt Electoral District 061
Dr. Körner, Konrad 1992 CSU Electoral District 241 and
Land Bayern (Position 21)
Körner, Marc Anton 1974 dieBasis Land Niedersachsen (Position 1)
Korte, Dave-Alexander Sascha 1971 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 060 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 7)
Kosin, Robert 1985 Die Linke Electoral District 062 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 4)
Koß, Simona Marion 1961 SPD Electoral District 059 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 10)
Kossack, Ailin 1998 FREIE WÄHLER Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 14)
Kossick, Jan 1984 PIRATEN Land Sachsen (Position 10)
Kossin, Jann Michael 1974 Die PARTEI Land Hamburg (Position 11)
Dr. Kössinger, Julia Christina Katharina 1993 CSU Land Bayern (Position 24)
Köster, Jens 1967 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 003 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 2)
Köstering, Jan Tobias 1997 Die Linke Electoral District 098 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 12)
Kösters, Lukas Matthias 1994 Volt Land Niedersachsen (Position 18)
Kotré, Steffen 1971 AfD Electoral District 062
Kotulla, Katharina 1994 CDU Electoral District 131 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 25)
Kotzbauer, Johannes Heinz 1955 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 231 and
Land Bayern (Position 7)
Kozlowski, Anke 1962 SPD Land Bremen (Position 3)
Kracht, Moritz 1980 FDP Electoral District 105 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 14)
Kraft, Boris 1972 FDP Electoral District 295 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 37)
Kraft, Laura 1990 GRÜNE Electoral District 147 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 37)
Kraft, Luca Loreen 1998 Volt Electoral District 204 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 7)
Dr. Kraft, Rainer Detlef 1974 AfD Land Bayern (Position 21)
Kraft, Sascha Alexander 1990 FREIE WÄHLER Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 19)
Dr. Krah, Maximilian Eugen 1977 AfD Electoral District 162
Krahl, Flavio Matthias 1993 Die PARTEI Electoral District 290
Krahner, Lilly 1995 CDU Land Thüringen (Position 8)
Kraljic, Andrea 1963 AfD Electoral District 106
Krämer, Andre Philip 1992 GRÜNE Electoral District 185
Krämer, Hermann 1952 EB:Krämer Electoral District 061
Krämer, Michael 1959 Tierschutzpartei Electoral District 220 and
Land Bayern (Position 15)
Krämer, René 1996 Volt Electoral District 196 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 4)
Kramme, Anette 1967 SPD Electoral District 236 and
Land Bayern (Position 4)
Krappitz, David Arian 1990 Volt Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 2)
Krasnici, Refet 1993 Team Todenhöfer Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 15)
Kratzer, Philipp Ivo 1992 FDP Electoral District 173 and
Land Hessen (Position 9)
Kratzsch, Kevin 1982 CDU Electoral District 082 and
Land Berlin (Position 7)
Kraus, Hasso Heiner 1957 Volt Electoral District 260 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 18)
Krause, Frank Torsten 1966 Bündnis C Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 6)
Krause, Kathrin 1998 CDU Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 31)
Krause, Lena 1988 GRÜNE Electoral District 049 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 15)
Krauß, Alexander Gerd 1975 CDU Electoral District 163 and
Land Sachsen (Position 12)
Krauthausen, Manuel Johannes 1992 AfD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 24)
Krautmacher, Jörg Roland 1966 FDP Land Thüringen (Position 15)
Krautz, Alexander 1974 WerteUnion Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 25)
Kreft, Eike Stefan 1974 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 178 and
Land Hessen (Position 11)
Kreidemeier, Christina Renate 1998 Tierschutzpartei Land Bayern (Position 3)
Kreienhoop, Bastian 1984 PdH Land Hessen (Position 3)
Krein, Elena Dao 2007 Die Linke Electoral District 295
Kreipe, Florian Klaus-Dieter 1991 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Land Niedersachsen (Position 7)
Kreiser, Dunja Eleonore Angelika 1971 SPD Electoral District 049 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 12)
Kreitz, Stefanie 1974 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 115 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 10)
Kremer, Franziska 1980 FDP Electoral District 240 and
Land Bayern (Position 47)
Kremp, Oliver Patrick 1978 Volt Land Saarland (Position 10)
Krems, Marcus 1990 Volt Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 2)
Kreß, Pat 1990 SPD Electoral District 103 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 62)
Kretschmann, Marcus 1971 CDU Electoral District 183 and
Land Hessen (Position 29)
Kretschmer, Marie Luise Ulrike 1960 FDP Electoral District 056 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 5)
Kretz, Jürgen 1982 GRÜNE Electoral District 277 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 19)
Kretzschmar, Jens 1973 Die Linke Electoral District 153 and
Land Sachsen (Position 8)
Kreuter, Cornelia 1960 Die Linke Land Saarland (Position 3)
Kreuzeder, Rudolf 1976 Die Linke Electoral District 224 and
Land Bayern (Position 20)
Kreuzhuber, Rupert Thomas 1981 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 228 and
Land Bayern (Position 24)
Krez, Edgar 1991 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 271
Krichbaum, Gunther 1964 CDU Electoral District 279
Kriebel, Bernd 1964 Tierschutzpartei Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 1)
Kriegel, Christian 1956 AfD Electoral District 151 and
Land Sachsen (Position 5)
Krieger, Elias 2002 MLPD Electoral District 281 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 11)
Krieger, Lukas Albrecht 1987 CDU Electoral District 079 and
Land Berlin (Position 6)
Krieger, Maria 1985 GRÜNE Electoral District 227 and
Land Bayern (Position 22)
Krings, Benjamin Ralf Wilhelm Kurt 1997 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 094
Dr. Krings, Günter 1969 CDU Electoral District 108 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 5)
Krippner, Maximilian 1996 Die Linke Electoral District 292 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 16)
Kristoffersen, Peer Oke 1997 Volt Land Hamburg (Position 4)
Kröber, Manfred Robert 1979 GRÜNE Electoral District 195 and
Land Thüringen (Position 8)
Kröber, Martin 1992 SPD Electoral District 069 and
Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 1)
Kroeschell, Michael 1977 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 255 and
Land Bayern (Position 35)
Krohn, Reinhard 1965 AfD Electoral District 023
Kroll, Andreas 1967 BSW Electoral District 137
Kronbauer, Roland 1974 Die PARTEI Land Bayern (Position 8)
Krone, Patrick 1981 dieBasis Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 11)
Kröse, Peter 1987 FDP Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 23)
Kroß, Ariane Marita 1959 BSW Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 5)
Krug, Christian 1992 SPD Land Niedersachsen (Position 73)
Krug, Fabian 2002 Die PARTEI Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 7)
Krüger, Detlev 1970 EB:Krüger Electoral District 024
Krüger, Glenn 1971 Die PARTEI Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 9)
Krüger, Mirco 1991 Die PARTEI Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 11)
Krüger, Ole 1983 GRÜNE Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 6)
Krüger, Stephan 1962 BSW Land Bayern (Position 18)
Krüger-El Bissani, Christian 1981 Volt Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 1)
Krüger-Winands, Uwe 1964 EB:Krüger-Winands Electoral District 001
Kruhmann, Torben 1992 CDU Land Hessen (Position 44)
Krümmel, Nils 1964 FREIE WÄHLER Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 11)
Krumpen, Horst 1966 Die Linke Electoral District 013
Krumpholz, Otmar 1978 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 252 and
Land Bayern (Position 27)
Krumrey, Hanns-Henning Kurt Reimer 1962 FDP Electoral District 078 and
Land Berlin (Position 3)
Dr. Krumwiede-Steiner, Franziska 1985 GRÜNE Electoral District 116 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 39)
Krupp, Ute 1958 SPD Electoral District 097 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 46)
Kruschwitz, Kerstin 1970 Die PARTEI Land Berlin (Position 3)
Kruse-Günter, Helmut Martin 1948 MLPD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 15)
Kuban, Tilman Moritz 1987 CDU Electoral District 047 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 6)
Kubicki, Wolfgang Joachim 1952 FDP Electoral District 004 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 1)
Kubitzki, Harald 1976 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 266 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 9)
Kucharski, John 2000 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 075
Dr. Kucharzewski, Tim 1988 SPD Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 27)
Dr. Kuchlbauer, Simon 1976 AfD Electoral District 255
Küchler, Sabine 1987 Die PARTEI Land Sachsen (Position 7)
Kuckuk, Daniel 1968 Die PARTEI Land Niedersachsen (Position 21)
Kücük, Gülay Asli 1976 GRÜNE Electoral District 290 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 26)
Kuczera, Frank 1973 Tierschutzpartei Land Hessen (Position 6)
Kuger, Michael Rudolf 1960 AfD Land Hessen (Position 16)
Kuhle, Konstantin Elias 1989 FDP Electoral District 053 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 2)
Kühlen, Andreas 1962 WerteUnion Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 16)
Kuhlendahl, Petra 1968 GRÜNE Electoral District 102 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 47)
Kuhlmann, Helge Georg Theodor 1992 Die PARTEI Land Hessen (Position 6)
Kühn, Peter 1989 AfD Land Niedersachsen (Position 21)
Kuhne, Finn 1997 SPD Land Brandenburg (Position 19)
Kühne, Josepha Marie 1993 Volt Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 15)
Kühne, Mike 1967 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 150
Kühnel, Konstantin 1986 Volt Electoral District 047 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 14)
Kühner, Andre 1965 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 275
Kuhnert, Jan 1966 BSW Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 7)
Kuiper, Jelle Jurrie 1970 GRÜNE Electoral District 063
Kullack, Maximilian 1999 FREIE WÄHLER Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 10)
Kumschlies, Matthias 1963 Tierschutzpartei Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 6)
Künemund, Sebastian Gerd 1977 Die PARTEI Electoral District 173 and
Land Hessen (Position 3)
Küng, Claudia 1964 CSU Electoral District 218 and
Land Bayern (Position 18)
Kunick, Peter Volker 1956 MLPD Electoral District 051 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 2)
Kunkel, Karin Silke 1973 Die Linke Electoral District 007
Kuntschner, Helmut 1966 Die Linke Electoral District 279
Kunz, Christian Andreas Matthias 1978 Volt Electoral District 232
Kunze, Anja 1977 BSW Land Sachsen (Position 4)
Kunze, Hermann Stephan 1957 MLPD Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 9)
Küpers, Tobias 1990 PdH Land Bayern (Position 19)
Kupsch, Carsten 1960 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 064 and
Land Brandenburg (Position 9)
Kurmann, Rüdiger 1954 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 029
Kurt, Umut 1995 SPD Electoral District 199 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 10)
Kurth, Sascha Christopher 1983 CDU Electoral District 122 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 50)
Kurz, Silke Deborah 1975 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 18)
Kusch, Sebastian Gregor 1985 BÜNDNIS DEUTSCHLAND Electoral District 054 and
Land Bremen (Position 1)
Kuse, Lara 1991 Die Linke Electoral District 146
Kuske, Monika Beate 1957 MLPD Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 2)
Kuster, Hauke 1984 BSW Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 11)
Kuttler, Laura 1987 Volt Land Bayern (Position 27)
Kysil, Anna 1993 GRÜNE Electoral District 087 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 33)