Bundestag election 2025

All candidates in alphabetical order

Last name, first names Year of birth Political party in
Obenauf, Hannes 2000 Die Linke Land Thüringen (Position 9)
Oberbäumer, Lena 1979 Die PARTEI Electoral District 131
Oberdörffer, Simon 1999 Volt Electoral District 293
Oberle, Anne 1979 FDP Electoral District 209 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 12)
Obladen, Kerstin 1970 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 043 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 3)
Obst, Florian 1980 SPD Land Hessen (Position 33)
Dr. Ocak, Onur 1987 Die Linke Electoral District 131
Ochs, Maximilian Günther 1994 Volt Electoral District 040 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 4)
Ochs, Thomas Josef 1973 GRÜNE Electoral District 239 and
Land Bayern (Position 36)
Ochsenfahrt, Ralf 1963 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 134
Ockenfuß, Felix Wilhelm 1989 CDU Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 26)
Oehl, Jan Lennard 1993 SPD Electoral District 179 and
Land Hessen (Position 13)
Oehme, Sascha Toni 1972 Die PARTEI Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 12)
Oelkers, Ellen Ruth 1991 Die Linke Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 5)
Oellers, Wilfried 1975 CDU Electoral District 088 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 40)
Oertel, Monika 1960 SPD Land Hessen (Position 48)
Oest, Florian 1987 CDU Electoral District 156 and
Land Sachsen (Position 7)
Oettler, Annette 1973 MLPD Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 4)
Oettler, Frank 1966 MLPD Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 5)
Ohlsen, Manuel 1971 SSW Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 16)
Ohmayer, Ernst Josef 1963 BSW Land Bayern (Position 3)
Okon, Matthias 1979 Die Linke Electoral District 179
Oks, Ida 2000 SPD Land Niedersachsen (Position 52)
Oldenstein, Carolin 1987 SPD Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 16)
Olschenka, Uwe 1957 ÖDP Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 9)
Onken, Sarah 1980 GRÜNE Land Bayern (Position 53)
Onori, Birgit 1967 Die Linke Electoral District 104 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 15)
Opitz, Leander 2003 MLPD Land Brandenburg (Position 2)
Oppelt, Moritz Paul Georg 1989 CDU Electoral District 277
Oppermann, Andreas Wolfgang 1967 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 036 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 10)
Örenbas, Verena 1981 GRÜNE Electoral District 197 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 11)
Orthey, Harald Stefan 1968 CDU Electoral District 203 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 15)
Ortleb, Josephine Loulou 1986 SPD Electoral District 296 and
Land Saarland (Position 2)
Ortmann, Alexander Olaf 1997 Die PARTEI Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 22)
Ortwein, Anna Marie 2005 FDP Electoral District 263 and
Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 17)
Osbahr, Fabian 1983 GRÜNE Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 14)
Osinski, Wolfgang Heinz 1949 WerteUnion Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 8)
Ossenkopp, Stephan Kemal 1969 BüSo Electoral District 075 and
Land Berlin (Position 2)
Oßner, Florian 1980 CSU Electoral District 227
Oster, Josef 1971 CDU Electoral District 198 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 8)
Osterhagen, Jason Pascal 2004 Die Linke Electoral District 096
Osterlänger, Jürgen 1958 dieBasis Land Bayern (Position 15)
Ostermann, Martin 1972 AfD Electoral District 123
Ostermeier, Frederik Ferid 1990 GRÜNE Electoral District 216 and
Land Bayern (Position 62)
Ostertag, Kathrin Uta 1962 Volt Electoral District 011 and
Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 3)
Ostrowski, Christopher 1993 SPD Land Hessen (Position 39)
Ott, Florian Philipp 1988 FDP Electoral District 113 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 31)
Ott, Gunnar Karl Heinrich 1967 GRÜNE Electoral District 024 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 18)
Ott, Jens Holger 1960 AfD Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 10)
Dr. Otte, Daniel Johannes 1980 CDU Electoral District 093
Otte, Henning Rudolf Helmut 1968 CDU Electoral District 044 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 12)
Otte, Karoline 1996 GRÜNE Electoral District 052 and
Land Niedersachsen (Position 7)
Otte, Michael 1968 FDP Land Bayern (Position 60)
Otten, Gerold Joachim 1955 AfD Electoral District 220 and
Land Bayern (Position 8)
Otterbach, Thorsten 1969 EB:Otterbach Electoral District 287
Otti, Andreas 1968 AfD Electoral District 077
Otto, Gerald 1964 CDU Land Sachsen (Position 22)
Otto, Marcus Dirk 1969 Die Linke Electoral District 078
Oyman-van Os, Serap 1989 Team Todenhöfer Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 4)
Özcan, Nalan 1991 BSW Electoral District 196 and
Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 6)
Özdemir, Cansu 1988 Die Linke Land Hamburg (Position 2)
Özdemir, Gökhan 1995 FREIE WÄHLER Electoral District 170 and
Land Hessen (Position 21)
Özdemir, Mahmut 1987 SPD Electoral District 115 and
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 60)
Özgüven, Handan 1973 SPD Land Hessen (Position 22)
Özoğuz, Saliha Aydan 1967 SPD Electoral District 022 and
Land Hamburg (Position 2)