European Parliament election 2024
Number of municipalities on 30 June 2023 i 1
Area in km² on 30 June 2023 i 117.1
Population and age i
Population figures on 31 Dec. 2022
... total (in 1,000) 54.0
... therefrom Germans (in 1,000) i 47.1
... therefrom foreigners i 12.8 %
Population density as at 31 Dec. 2022 i
... inhabitants per km² 461.0
Increase (+)/decrease (-) of the population 2022 (in 1,000) i
... birth balance i -5.8
... migration balance i 15.0
… under 16 14.7 %
... 16 - 17 1.8 %
... 18 - 24 6.5 %
... 25 - 34 11.6 %
... 35 - 59 32.0 %
... 60 - 74 20.8 %
... 75 and over 12.6 %
Area survey by type of actual use
Floor area by type of actual use on 31 Dec. 2021 i
… settlement and traffic 20.0 %
… vegetation and water bodies 80.0 %
Construction and housing i
Dwelling completed 2021 (per 1,000 inhabitants) 4.6
Stock of dwellings on 31 Dec. 2021 (per 1,000 inhabitants) 544.7
Useful floor space on 31 Dec. 2021 (per dwelling) 94.9
Useful floor space on 31 Dec. 2021 (per 1,000 inhabitants) 51.7
Stock of passenger cars i
Stock of passenger cars on 1 Jan. 2023
... total (per 1,000 inhabitants) 622.3
… of which: with electric or hybrid drive 7.9 %
Business register i
Total companies 2021 (per 1,000 inhabitants) 45.9
Craft companies 2021 (per 1,000 inhabitants) 7.6
Vocational Education System i
Graduates and school leavers of vocational schools 2022 (per 1,000 inhabitants) 3.4
General Education System i
Graduates an school leavers having completed their education 2022
... total without externals (per 1,000 inhabitants) 8.8
... without secondary general school certificate 9.3 %
... with secondary general school certificate 13.3 %
... with intermediate school certificate 13.7 %
... with university entrance qualification 59.8 %
Children in publicly funded day care i
Children cared for on 1 Mar. 2023 (care rate)
… unter 3 years 32.3
… 3 to under 6 years 96.6
National accounts
Disposable income of households 2021 (EUR per habitant) i 27,870.2
Gross domestic product 2021 (EUR per inhabitant) i 32,850.5
Employees subject to social insurance contributions
Employees subject to social insurance contributions on 30 June 2023 i
... total (per 1,000 inhabitants) 326.4
... agriculture and forestry, fishing
... industry
... trade, hotel and restaurant industry, transport 25.4 %
... public and other service activities 21.3 %
... other service providers, not specified 36.6 %
Recipients of unemployment benefit II and of social allowance i
Recipients of unemployment benefit II and of social allowance at the end of August 2023
... total (per 1,000 inhabitants) 74.5
... therefrom including individuals not capable of earning and in need of assistance 27.3 %
... therefrom foreigner 41.6 %
Unemployment rate i
Unemployment rate at the end of October 2023
... total 6.1 %
... therefrom male 6.2 %
... therefrom female 6.0 %
... therefrom in the age from 15 to 24 years 6.1 %
... therefrom in the age from 55 to 64 years 5.2 %