European Parliament election 2024

Alphabetical list of all elected candidates

Family name, surnames Year of birth Political party Elected in
Barley, Katarina 1968 SPD List for all Länder (Position 1)
Bausemer, Arno 1982 AfD List for all Länder (Position 10)
Bentele, Hildegard 1976 CDU Land Berlin (Position 1)
Berg, Sibylle 1962 Die PARTEI List for all Länder (Position 2)
Dr. Berger, Stefan Heinrich 1969 CDU Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 6)
Bischoff, Gabriele 1961 SPD List for all Länder (Position 7)
Bloss, Jan Michael 1986 GRÜNE List for all Länder (Position 4)
Freiherr von Boeselager, Damian Hieronymus Johannes 1988 Volt List for all Länder (Position 1)
Boßdorf, Irmhild 1967 AfD List for all Länder (Position 9)
Buchheit, Markus 1983 AfD List for all Länder (Position 7)
Bullmann, Udo 1956 SPD List for all Länder (Position 8)
Burkhardt, Delara 1992 SPD List for all Länder (Position 9)
Bystron, Petr 1972 AfD List for all Länder (Position 2)