Bundestag election 2025

Alphabetical list of all elected candidates

Family name, surnames Year of birth Political party Elected in Also runs in
Valent, Aaron 1997 Die Linke Land Bayern (Position 6) Constituency 250
Vandre, Isabelle 1989 Die Linke Land Brandenburg (Position 2) Constituency 061
Dr. Verlinden, Julia Maria Kornelia 1979 GRÜNE Land Niedersachsen (Position 3) Constituency 037
Vieregge, Kerstin 1976 CDU Constituency 134 (31.3 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 11)
Vogel, Ingo 1976 SPD Constituency 118 (30.3 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 59)
Dr. Vogt, Oliver 1977 CDU Constituency 133 (32.1 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 16)
Vogtschmidt, Donata Katharina Rebecca 1998 Die Linke Land Thüringen (Position 2) Constituency 188
Volkmann, Johannes 1996 CDU Constituency 171 (34.3 %) Land Hessen (Position 18)
Vollath, Sarah 1995 Die Linke Land Bayern (Position 3) Constituency 215
Völlers, Marja-Liisa 1984 SPD Constituency 040 (31.7 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 10)
Vöpel, Dirk 1971 SPD Constituency 116 (31.4 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 63)
de Vries, Christoph Bernhard 1974 CDU Land Hamburg (Position 3) Constituency 018