Bundestag election 2025

Alphabetical list of all elected candidates

Family name, surnames Year of birth Political party Elected in Also runs in
Dahler, Wolfgang Jochen 1975 CDU Constituency 292 (40.9 %)
Dr. Dahmen, Janosch 1981 GRÜNE Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 18) Constituency 138
Demir, Hakan 1984 SPD Land Berlin (Position 3) Constituency 081
Demuth, Ellen 1982 CDU Constituency 196 (35.6 %) Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 10)
Dr. Detzer, Sandra 1980 GRÜNE Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 5) Constituency 265
Dieren, Jan Ulrich 1991 SPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 17) Constituency 113
Dietz, Thomas Eckhard 1967 AfD Constituency 163 (46.6 %)
Dilcher, Esther 1965 SPD Land Hessen (Position 6) Constituency 166
Dillschneider, Jeanne Marie Aline 1995 GRÜNE Land Saarland (Position 1) Constituency 296
Dittmar, Sabine 1964 SPD Land Bayern (Position 6) Constituency 247
Dobrindt, Alexander 1970 CSU Constituency 225 (45.8 %) Land Bayern (Position 1)
Donth, Michael 1967 CDU Constituency 289 (38.5 %)
Döring, Felix Maximilian 1991 SPD Land Hessen (Position 5) Constituency 172
Dr. Dorn, Florian Johannes 1986 CSU Constituency 255 (43.8 %)
Douglas, Christian 1978 AfD Land Hessen (Position 6) Constituency 180
Dröge, Katharina 1984 GRÜNE Constituency 094 (26.0 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 2)
Drößler, Christopher 1995 AfD Constituency 188 (39.5 %) Land Thüringen (Position 6)
Droßmann, Falko 1973 SPD Constituency 018 (27.4 %) Land Hamburg (Position 5)
Dr. Düber, Hülya 1978 CSU Constituency 250 (39.1 %) Land Bayern (Position 26)
Düring, Deborah Saskia 1994 GRÜNE Land Hessen (Position 3) Constituency 181
Durz, Hansjörg 1971 CSU Constituency 252 (44.5 %)
Dzienus, Timon Michele 1996 GRÜNE Land Niedersachsen (Position 6) Constituency 041