Bundestag election 2025

Alphabetical list of all elected candidates

Family name, surnames Year of birth Political party Elected in Also runs in
Haase, Christian Karl Friedhelm 1966 CDU Constituency 135 (43.2 %)
Habeck, Robert 1969 GRÜNE Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 2) Constituency 001
Hagedorn, Bettina 1955 SPD Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 4) Constituency 009
Hahn, Florian Peter 1974 CSU Constituency 220 (43.1 %) Land Bayern (Position 7)
Dr. Hahn, Ingo Jochen 1971 AfD Land Bayern (Position 16) Constituency 222
Hain, Heiko 1982 CSU Constituency 238 (40.4 %) Land Bayern (Position 31)
Haise, Lars 1989 AfD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 10) Constituency 264
Hakverdi, Metin 1969 SPD Constituency 023 (32.2 %) Land Hamburg (Position 3)
Hanker, Mirco Karsten 1966 AfD Land Niedersachsen (Position 10) Constituency 050
Hardt, Jürgen 1963 CDU Constituency 102 (32.4 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 21)
Hartmann, Sebastian 1977 SPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 3) Constituency 096
Haßelmann, Britta Maria 1961 GRÜNE Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 1) Constituency 131
Hauer, Matthias 1977 CDU Constituency 119 (35.7 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 10)
Haug, Jochen 1973 AfD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 9) Constituency 094
Heil, Mechthild 1961 CDU Constituency 197 (39.3 %) Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 4)
Heil, Wolfgang-Hubertus Ernst Ulrich 1972 SPD Constituency 045 (33.9 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 5)
Heiligenstadt, Frauke 1966 SPD Constituency 052 (30.4 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 8)
Heinrich, Gabriela 1963 SPD Land Bayern (Position 10) Constituency 243
Heitmann, Linda 1982 GRÜNE Constituency 019 (27.5 %) Land Hamburg (Position 3)
Helferich, Matthias 1988 AfD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 6) Constituency 142
Helfrich, Mark 1978 CDU Constituency 003 (35.0 %) Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 3)
Hemmelgarn, Udo Theodor 1959 AfD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 17) Constituency 134
Henrichmann, Marc 1976 CDU Constituency 126 (45.6 %)
Henze, Stefan 1965 AfD Land Niedersachsen (Position 9) Constituency 047
Herbstreuth, Diana 1981 CDU Land Thüringen (Position 2) Constituency 194
Hermeier, Mareike 1989 Die Linke Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 11) Constituency 123
Heselhaus, Nadine 1978 SPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 6) Constituency 125
Hess, Martin Alexander 1971 AfD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 3) Constituency 265
Hess, Nicole Claudia 1973 AfD Land Hessen (Position 9)
Heubach, Heike 1979 SPD Land Bayern (Position 14) Constituency 252
Dr. Heuberger, Moritz Sebastian 1991 GRÜNE Constituency 080 (24.7 %) Land Berlin (Position 8)
Heveling, Ansgar Guido Karl Johannes 1972 CDU Constituency 109 (37.8 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 19)
Hierl, Susanne 1973 CSU Constituency 231 (44.5 %) Land Bayern (Position 22)
Dr. Hiller, Matthias Fabian 1985 CDU Constituency 262 (37.7 %)
Hilmer, Olaf 1972 AfD Land Niedersachsen (Position 11)
Hilse, Karsten 1964 AfD Constituency 155 (48.3 %) Land Sachsen (Position 2)
Hirte, Christian 1976 CDU Land Thüringen (Position 1) Constituency 189
Höchst, Nicole 1970 AfD Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 2) Constituency 200
Hoffmann, Alexander 1975 CSU Constituency 248 (45.5 %)
Hoffmann, Philip Maria Albert 1988 CDU Constituency 297 (31.8 %) Land Saarland (Position 4)
Dr. Hofreiter, Anton 1970 GRÜNE Land Bayern (Position 2) Constituency 220
Holm, Leif-Erik 1970 AfD Constituency 012 (35.9 %) Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 1)
Dr. Hoppenstedt, Hendrik 1972 CDU Constituency 043 (34.8 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 3)
Hoppermann, Franziska Christina Brigitte 1982 CDU Land Hamburg (Position 2) Constituency 022
Hose, Michael 1984 CDU Land Thüringen (Position 4) Constituency 192
Hoß, Luke Rolf 2001 Die Linke Land Bayern (Position 4) Constituency 228
Hostert, Jasmina 1982 SPD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 7) Constituency 260
Hubertz, Verena Ute 1987 SPD Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 3) Constituency 202
Huy, Rose Gerrit 1953 AfD Land Bayern (Position 4) Constituency 225