Bundestag election 2021

Alphabetical list of all elected candidates

Family name, surnames Year of birth Political party Elected in Also runs in
Saathoff, Johann 1967 SPD Constituency 024 (52.8 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 11)
Saleh, Kassem Taher 1993 GRÜNE Land Sachsen (Position 4) Constituency 159
dos Santos Firnhaber, Catarina 1994 CDU Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 15) Constituency 088
Sattelberger, Thomas Michael 1949 FDP Land Bayern (Position 5) Constituency 219
Sauter, Christian 1980 FDP Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 16) Constituency 135
Schäfer, Axel Helmut 1952 SPD Constituency 140 (38.3 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 54)
Schäfer, Ingo 1965 SPD Constituency 103 (32.6 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 43)
Schäfer, Jamila Anna 1993 GRÜNE Constituency 219 (27.5 %) Land Bayern (Position 7)
Dr. Schäfer, Sebastian 1979 GRÜNE Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 17) Constituency 261
Schäffler, Frank Uwe 1968 FDP Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 9) Constituency 134
Schamber, Rebecca 1975 SPD Constituency 043 (33.7 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 22)
Schattner, Bernd Hans 1968 AfD Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 4) Constituency 211
Schätzl, Johannes 1993 SPD Land Bayern (Position 17) Constituency 229
Dr. Schäuble, Wolfgang 1942 CDU Constituency 284 (34.9 %) Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 1)
Schauws, Ursula 1966 GRÜNE Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 9) Constituency 114
Dr. Scheer, Nina 1971 SPD Constituency 010 (31.0 %) Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 2)
Dr. Schenderlein, Christiane 1981 CDU Land Sachsen (Position 2) Constituency 151
Scheuer, Andreas Franz 1974 CSU Constituency 229 (30.7 %) Land Bayern (Position 3)
Schieder, Marianne 1962 SPD Land Bayern (Position 12) Constituency 234
Schiefner, Udo 1959 SPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 7) Constituency 111
Schielke-Ziesing, Ulrike 1969 AfD Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 3) Constituency 017
Schierenbeck, Peggy 1970 SPD Land Niedersachsen (Position 20) Constituency 033
Schimke, Jana 1979 CDU Land Brandenburg (Position 3) Constituency 062
Schisanowski, Timo 1981 SPD Constituency 138 (33.3 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 51)
Schmid, Christoph Florian 1976 SPD Land Bayern (Position 9) Constituency 254
Dr. Schmid, Nils Hermann 1973 SPD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 2) Constituency 262
Schmidt, Dagmar 1973 SPD Constituency 172 (33.1 %) Land Hessen (Position 2)
Schmidt, Eugen 1975 AfD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 10) Constituency 091
Schmidt, Jan Wenzel 1991 AfD Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 2) Constituency 067
Schmidt, Stefan 1981 GRÜNE Land Bayern (Position 10) Constituency 233
Schmidt, Uwe 1966 SPD Constituency 055 (36.9 %) Land Bremen (Position 2)
Schneider, Carsten 1976 SPD Constituency 193 (24.4 %) Land Thüringen (Position 1)
Schneider, Daniel Dominik 1976 SPD Constituency 029 (36.8 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 23)
Schneider, Jörg 1964 AfD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 5) Constituency 123
Schnieder, Patrick 1968 CDU Constituency 202 (37.8 %) Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 2)
Scholz, Olaf 1958 SPD Constituency 061 (34.0 %) Land Brandenburg (Position 1)
Schönberger, Marlene Edeltraud 1990 GRÜNE Land Bayern (Position 15) Constituency 230
Schraps, Johannes 1983 SPD Constituency 046 (43.2 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 9)
Schreider, Christian Willi Heribert 1971 SPD Constituency 207 (32.8 %) Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 13)
Schreiner, Felix 1986 CDU Constituency 288 (33.6 %)
Schröder, Christina-Johanne 1983 GRÜNE Land Niedersachsen (Position 3) Constituency 028
Schröder, Ria Irmtraut Claudia 1992 FDP Land Hamburg (Position 2)
Schrodi, Michael Georg 1977 SPD Land Bayern (Position 13) Constituency 215
Schulz, Anja 1985 FDP Land Niedersachsen (Position 3) Constituency 044
Schulz, Uwe 1961 AfD Land Hessen (Position 3) Constituency 173
Schulz-Asche, Kordula Anna Paula 1956 GRÜNE Land Hessen (Position 3) Constituency 181
Schulze, Svenja 1968 SPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 2) Constituency 129
Schwabe, Frank 1970 SPD Constituency 121 (41.0 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 25)
Schwartze, Stefan 1974 SPD Constituency 133 (36.5 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 11)
Schwarz, Andreas 1965 SPD Land Bayern (Position 11) Constituency 236
Schwarz, Armin 1968 CDU Land Hessen (Position 6) Constituency 167
Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Rita Berta 1962 SPD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 3) Constituency 288
Seestern-Pauly, Matthias 1984 FDP Land Niedersachsen (Position 7) Constituency 038
Seidler, Stefan 1979 SSW Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 1) Constituency 001
Seif, Detlef 1962 CDU Constituency 092 (34.6 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 43)
Prof. Dr. Seiter, Stephan 1963 FDP Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 11) Constituency 264
Seitz, Thomas Michael Konrad 1967 AfD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 9) Constituency 283
Dr. Seitzl, Lina 1989 SPD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 15) Constituency 287
Sekmen, Melis 1993 GRÜNE Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 16) Constituency 275
Semet, Rainer 1957 FDP Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 15) Constituency 279
Sichert, Martin Johannes 1980 AfD Land Bayern (Position 5) Constituency 244
Silberhorn, Thomas 1968 CSU Constituency 236 (37.0 %)
Simon, Björn Manuel 1981 CDU Constituency 185 (27.8 %) Land Hessen (Position 17)
Dr. Sitte, Petra 1960 DIE LINKE Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 2) Constituency 072
Skudelny, Judith Sandra 1975 FDP Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 2) Constituency 258
Slawik, Nyke 1994 GRÜNE Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 11) Constituency 101
Sorge, Tino 1975 CDU Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 3) Constituency 069
Spahn, Jens Georg 1980 CDU Constituency 124 (40.0 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 4)
Dr. Spallek, Anne Monika 1968 GRÜNE Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 21) Constituency 127
Dr. Spaniel, Dirk 1971 AfD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 3) Constituency 258
Spellerberg, Merle 1996 GRÜNE Land Sachsen (Position 3) Constituency 160
Springer, René 1979 AfD Land Brandenburg (Position 2)
Stadler, Svenja 1976 SPD Constituency 036 (31.0 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 4)
Staffler, Katrin 1981 CSU Constituency 215 (38.0 %) Land Bayern (Position 18)
Stahr, Nina 1982 GRÜNE Land Berlin (Position 5) Constituency 079
Stamm-Fibich, Martina Margarete 1965 SPD Land Bayern (Position 18) Constituency 242
Stark-Watzinger, Bettina 1968 FDP Land Hessen (Position 1) Constituency 181
Dr. Steffen, Till Benjamin 1973 GRÜNE Constituency 020 (29.8 %) Land Hamburg (Position 2)
Dr. Stefinger, Wolfgang Dieter 1985 CSU Constituency 218 (31.7 %)
Stegemann, Albert 1976 CDU Constituency 031 (40.5 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 29)
Dr. Stegner, Ralf 1959 SPD Constituency 007 (31.2 %) Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 3)
Stein, Jens Mathias 1970 SPD Constituency 005 (29.5 %) Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 7)
Steiniger, Johannes Eberhard 1987 CDU Constituency 208 (30.2 %) Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 8)
Steinmüller, Hanna 1993 GRÜNE Constituency 075 (30.5 %) Land Berlin (Position 9)
Freiherr von Stetten, Christian Alexander 1970 CDU Constituency 268 (32.1 %)
Sthamer, Nadja 1990 SPD Land Sachsen (Position 6) Constituency 153
Stier, Dieter 1964 CDU Constituency 073 (26.3 %) Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 2)
Stöber, Klaus 1961 AfD Constituency 190 (24.8 %)
Stöcker, Diana Iris 1970 CDU Constituency 282 (25.2 %)
Stockmeier, Konrad Johann Lorenz 1977 FDP Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 13) Constituency 275
von Storch, Beatrix 1971 AfD Land Berlin (Position 1) Constituency 075
Storjohann, Gero 1958 CDU Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 5) Constituency 008
Stracke, Stephan 1974 CSU Constituency 257 (38.8 %)
Dr. Strack-Zimmermann, Marie-Agnes 1958 FDP Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 2) Constituency 106
Strasser, Benjamin 1987 FDP Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 6) Constituency 294
Straubinger, Max 1954 CSU Constituency 230 (35.1 %)
Dr. Strengmann-Kuhn, Wolfgang 1964 GRÜNE Land Hessen (Position 4) Constituency 185
Stumpp, Christina Daniela 1987 CDU Constituency 264 (29.0 %)
Stüwe, Ruppert Fritz Johannes 1978 SPD Land Berlin (Position 5) Constituency 079