Bundestag election 2021

Alphabetical list of all elected candidates

Family name, surnames Year of birth Political party Elected in Also runs in
Lahrkamp, Sarah 1981 SPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 24) Constituency 124
Lang, Ricarda 1994 GRÜNE Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 10) Constituency 269
Lange, Ulrich 1969 CSU Constituency 254 (41.1 %)
Larem, Andreas 1964 SPD Constituency 186 (27.4 %) Land Hessen (Position 15)
Laschet, Armin 1961 CDU Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 1)
Latendorf, Ina 1971 DIE LINKE Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 2) Constituency 012
Dr. Launert, Silke 1976 CSU Constituency 237 (42.4 %) Land Bayern (Position 16)
Dr. Lauterbach, Karl Wilhelm 1963 SPD Constituency 101 (45.6 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 23)
Lay, Caren Nicole 1972 DIE LINKE Land Sachsen (Position 3) Constituency 156
Lechte, Ulrich 1977 FDP Land Bayern (Position 8) Constituency 233
Lehmann, Jens 1967 CDU Constituency 152 (20.5 %) Land Sachsen (Position 7)
Lehmann, Sven 1979 GRÜNE Constituency 094 (34.6 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 4)
Lehmann, Sylvia 1954 SPD Constituency 062 (26.5 %) Land Brandenburg (Position 4)
Lehrieder, Paul Alois 1959 CSU Constituency 251 (36.9 %) Land Bayern (Position 33)
Dr. Leikert, Katja Isabel 1975 CDU Land Hessen (Position 5) Constituency 180
Leiser, Kevin 1993 SPD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 20) Constituency 268
Lemke, Steffi 1968 GRÜNE Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 1) Constituency 070
Lenders, Jürgen 1966 FDP Land Hessen (Position 5) Constituency 174
Lenk, Barbara 1982 AfD Constituency 155 (31.0 %) Land Sachsen (Position 7)
Lenkert, Ralph 1967 DIE LINKE Land Thüringen (Position 2) Constituency 191
Dr. Lenz, Andreas 1981 CSU Constituency 213 (42.3 %)
Leye, Christian 1981 DIE LINKE Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 6) Constituency 116
Licina-Bode, Luiza 1972 SPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 32) Constituency 148
Dr. Lieb, Thorsten Willibald 1973 FDP Land Hessen (Position 2) Constituency 183
Liebert, Anja 1969 GRÜNE Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 27) Constituency 102
Limbacher, Esra-Leon Ruben 1989 SPD Constituency 299 (36.6 %) Land Saarland (Position 5)
Limburg, Helge Stefan 1982 GRÜNE Land Niedersachsen (Position 8) Constituency 046
Lindemann, Lars 1971 FDP Land Berlin (Position 3) Constituency 081
Lindh, Helge Frederik 1976 SPD Constituency 102 (37.3 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 27)
Lindholz, Andrea 1970 CSU Constituency 247 (40.7 %) Land Bayern (Position 6)
Lindner, Christian Wolfgang 1979 FDP Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 1) Constituency 100
Dr. Lindner, Tobias 1982 GRÜNE Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 2) Constituency 211
Link, Michael Georg 1963 FDP Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 3) Constituency 267
Dr. Linnemann, Carsten Christoffer 1977 CDU Constituency 137 (47.9 %)
Lips, Patricia 1963 CDU Land Hessen (Position 2) Constituency 187
Loop, Denise 1994 GRÜNE Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 5) Constituency 002
Loos, Bernhard Siegfried 1955 CSU Constituency 217 (25.7 %) Land Bayern (Position 21)
Dr. Lötzsch, Gesine 1961 DIE LINKE Constituency 086 (25.8 %) Land Berlin (Position 3)
Lucassen, Hans-Rüdiger 1951 AfD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 1) Constituency 092
Lucks, Max 1997 GRÜNE Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 14) Constituency 140
Dr. Luczak, Jan-Marco 1975 CDU Land Berlin (Position 2) Constituency 081
Ludwig, Daniela 1975 CSU Constituency 222 (36.1 %) Land Bayern (Position 4)
Lugk, Bettina 1982 SPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 14) Constituency 150
Lührmann, Anna Kristina 1983 GRÜNE Land Hessen (Position 5) Constituency 178
Luksic, Oliver 1979 FDP Land Saarland (Position 1) Constituency 298
Lütke, Kristine 1982 FDP Land Bayern (Position 12) Constituency 246
Lutze, Thomas 1969 DIE LINKE Land Saarland (Position 1)