Bundestag election 2021

Alphabetical list of all elected candidates

Family name, surnames Year of birth Political party Elected in Also runs in
Maas, Heiko Josef 1966 SPD Constituency 297 (36.7 %) Land Saarland (Position 1)
Dr. Machalet, Tanja 1974 SPD Constituency 204 (31.5 %) Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 2)
Mack, Klaus 1973 CDU Constituency 280 (33.8 %)
Mackensen-Geis, Isabel Larissa 1986 SPD Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 4) Constituency 208
Magwas, Yvonne 1979 CDU Constituency 166 (27.7 %) Land Sachsen (Position 4)
von Malottki, Erik 1986 SPD Constituency 016 (24.8 %) Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 3)
Mann, Holger 1979 SPD Land Sachsen (Position 1) Constituency 152
Mansmann, Till Berthold 1968 FDP Land Hessen (Position 3) Constituency 188
Mansoori, Kaweh 1988 SPD Land Hessen (Position 3) Constituency 183
Martens, Zanda 1984 SPD Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 28) Constituency 106
Martin, Dorothee Katja Julia 1978 SPD Constituency 021 (30.7 %) Land Hamburg (Position 3)
Marvi, Parsa 1982 SPD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 12) Constituency 271
Mascheck, Franziska 1979 SPD Land Sachsen (Position 8) Constituency 154
Mast, Katja Wilma 1971 SPD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 5) Constituency 279
Mattfeldt, Andreas 1969 CDU Constituency 034 (33.7 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 21)
Mayer, Stephan 1973 CSU Constituency 212 (43.3 %)
Mayer, Zoe 1995 GRÜNE Constituency 271 (30.0 %) Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 12)
Mayer-Lay, Volker 1981 CDU Constituency 293 (30.4 %)
Mehltretter, Andreas 1991 SPD Land Bayern (Position 15) Constituency 214
Mehmet Ali, Takis 1991 SPD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 22) Constituency 282
Meiser, Pascal 1975 DIE LINKE Land Berlin (Position 2) Constituency 083
Dr. Meister, Michael Günther 1961 CDU Constituency 188 (30.5 %) Land Hessen (Position 3)
Menge, Patrizia Susanne 1960 GRÜNE Land Niedersachsen (Position 13) Constituency 027
Merten, Anikó 1982 FDP Land Niedersachsen (Position 8) Constituency 050
Merz, Joachim-Friedrich Martin Josef 1955 CDU Constituency 147 (40.4 %)
Mesarosch, Robin 1991 SPD Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 16) Constituency 295
Metzler, Jan 1981 CDU Constituency 206 (32.2 %) Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 6)
Meyer, Christoph Werner 1975 FDP Land Berlin (Position 1) Constituency 080
Miazga, Corinna 1983 AfD Land Bayern (Position 2) Constituency 231
Michaelsen, Swantje Henrike 1979 GRÜNE Land Niedersachsen (Position 11) Constituency 041
Michel, Susanne Kathrin 1963 SPD Land Sachsen (Position 2) Constituency 156
Dr. Middelberg, Mathias Wolfgang Antonius 1964 CDU Land Niedersachsen (Position 4) Constituency 039
Dr. Miersch, Matthias 1968 SPD Constituency 047 (40.7 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 3)
Mieves, Matthias David 1985 SPD Constituency 209 (33.9 %) Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 9)
Dr. Mihalic, Irene 1976 GRÜNE Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 3) Constituency 123
Mijatović, Boris 1974 GRÜNE Land Hessen (Position 8) Constituency 168
Mittag, Susanne 1958 SPD Constituency 028 (36.7 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 2)
Mohamed Ali, Amira 1980 DIE LINKE Land Niedersachsen (Position 1) Constituency 027
Möhring, Cornelia 1960 DIE LINKE Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 1) Constituency 007
Mohrs, Falko 1984 SPD Constituency 051 (42.1 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 19)
Moll, Claudia 1968 SPD Constituency 088 (34.5 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 8)
Möller, Siemtje Victoria Regine Ilse Santjer 1983 SPD Constituency 026 (45.4 %) Land Niedersachsen (Position 6)
Moncsek, Mike 1964 AfD Constituency 163 (28.9 %) Land Sachsen (Position 14)
Monstadt, Dietrich 1957 CDU Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 2) Constituency 012
Moosdorf, Matthias 1965 AfD Constituency 165 (25.6 %)
Mordhorst, Maximilian 1996 FDP Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 4) Constituency 005
Mörseburg, Maximilian Rick 1992 CDU Constituency 259 (25.9 %)
Müller, Alexander 1969 FDP Land Hessen (Position 4) Constituency 178
Müller, Axel Karl 1963 CDU Constituency 294 (30.6 %)
Müller, Bettina 1959 SPD Constituency 175 (30.5 %) Land Hessen (Position 4)
Müller, Carsten 1970 CDU Land Niedersachsen (Position 8) Constituency 050
Müller, Claudia Heike 1981 GRÜNE Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Position 1) Constituency 015
Müller, Detlef 1964 SPD Constituency 162 (25.1 %) Land Sachsen (Position 3)
Müller, Florian Matthias 1987 CDU Constituency 149 (37.1 %)
Müller, Rainer Michael 1964 SPD Constituency 080 (27.9 %) Land Berlin (Position 1)
Müller, Sascha 1970 GRÜNE Land Bayern (Position 6) Constituency 245
Müller, Sepp 1989 CDU Constituency 070 (34.3 %) Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Position 5)
Müller, Stefan 1975 CSU Constituency 242 (35.1 %) Land Bayern (Position 9)
Müller-Gemmeke, Beate 1960 GRÜNE Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 6) Constituency 289
Müller-Rosentritt, Frank 1982 FDP Land Sachsen (Position 2) Constituency 162
Müntefering, Michelle-Jasmin Gabriele 1980 SPD Constituency 141 (43.4 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 36)
Münzenmaier, Sebastian 1989 AfD Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Position 1) Constituency 205
Dr. Mützenich, Rolf Heinrich 1959 SPD Constituency 095 (29.9 %) Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 1)