The following documents have to be submitted together with the nomination:
- declarations of consent and affirmations in lieu of an oath of the candidates or substitute candidates of a nomination
- Annex 15 to Section 32 (4) no. 1 of the European Electoral Regulations -
- for German candidates and substitute candidates, certificates of eligibility for political office issued by the competent municipal authorities
- Annex 16 to Section 32 (4) no. 2 of the European Electoral Regulations -
- for Union citizens, certificates issued by the competent German municipal authorities confirming that they have an abode or are otherwise permanently resident in the Federal Republic of Germany and are not ineligible for political office
- Annex 16 A to Section 32 (4) no. 2 of the European Electoral Regulations -
- for Union citizens, their affirmations in lieu of an oath concerning their citizenship, date and place of birth, last address in the home member state, address in the Federal Republic of Germany, the territorial authority or the constituency of the home member state where they were last registered, affirmations in lieu of an oath that they are not also running for election in another member state and are not ineligible for political office (original and duplicate copy)
- Annex 16 B to Section 32 (4) no. 2 b of the European Electoral Regulations -
- record of the meeting convened to nominate the candidates and substitute candidates
- Annex 17 for lists for one Land / Annex 18 for lists for all Länder, to Section 32 (4) no. 3 of the European Electoral Regulations -
the annex design makes it possible to include all candidates and substitute candidates in one form by using insert pages
- affirmation in lieu of an oath concerning the nominating assembly, by the chairperson of the assembly and two participants selected by the assembly
- Annex 19 to Section 32 (4) no. 3 of the European Electoral Regulations -
If the party or other political association submitting the nomination has not been continuously represented in the electoral area by at least five deputies in the European Parliament, the German Bundestag or a Land parliament since the last election to the relevant assembly on the basis of nominations made by the party or association itself, the following documents must also be provided:
- Supporting signatures
- In the case of lists for individual Länder, supporting signatures have to be submitted of one per thousand persons entitled to vote in the last election to the European Parliament in the Land concerned, but of no more than 2,000 persons entitled to vote. In the case of one list for all Länder, supporting signatures have to be presented of 4,000 persons entitled to vote.
- The supporting signatures have to be submitted on official forms as per Annex 14 to Section 32 (3) of the European Electoral Regulations bearing personal handwritten signatures. Before an official form is provided, the name of the party and its shortened form or the name of the political association and its identifying name as well as the date of provision are entered into the form by the Land returning officer in charge (if the list is to be used for one Land) or the Federal Returning Officer (if the list is intended for all Länder).
- For each signatory, certification by the municipal authority in whose voters' register he or she is registered has to be provided on the form (see lower part of Annex 14) or drawn up separately (see form of Annex 14) to the effect that the signatory was entitled to vote at the time he or she signed the nomination. Evidence of the eligibility to vote has to be provided by an affirmation in lieu of an oath as per Annex 14 A to Section 32 (3) of the European Electoral Regulations for Union citizens supporting a nomination.
- Please note that persons entitled to vote may support only one nomination with their signature and that supporting signatures may be given only after the nomination has been made, which means after the candidates and substitute candidates have been selected by the members’ or delegates’ assembly.
- Written statutes
- Programme
- Record of the election, which was carried out in accordance with democratic principles, of the executive committee members, who have to sign the nomination, including names and addresses of the executive committee members. The nomination has to be signed by the executive committee of the Land organisation if the list is intended for one Land and by the executive committee of the national organisation if the list is to be used for all Länder. In both instances the nominations have to be signed by the respective chairpersons or their deputies.
Legal bases
Section 11 (2) of the European Elections Act (EuWG)
Section 32 (3) and (4) of the European Electoral Regulations (EuWO)
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