The voters’ register of a municipality lists all those who are entitled to cast their votes there on election day.
The municipal authorities are obliged to set up and maintain a new voters’ register for each polling district before each Bundestag election. The voters’ registers are set up on the basis of the population registers of the registration offices. All those entitled to vote who have their main residence in the municipality are entered in the voters’ register.
Before listing anyone, the municipal authority has to ensure that they meet the conditions for being eligible to vote and that there are no reasons for disqualification. The date for entering people in the voters’ register ex officio is the 42nd day before election (= 12 January 2025). The voters’ register has to be completed between the third day before election and the day before election. It is made available to the electoral board on election day. With the exception of spelling errors, the electoral board is not entitled to correct the voters’ register.
Legal bases
Section 14 of the Federal Elections Act (BWG)
Sections 14 ff. of the Federal Electoral Regulations (BWO)
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