Bundestag election 2025

Germans abroad

Only those who are listed in an electoral register may vote. Germans living abroad who do not have a registered abode in Germany are also known as German expatriates. They are not automatically on an electoral register. German expatriates wishing to vote in Bundestag elections must submit a written application to be added to the electoral register of the competent municipality before each election.

Keine Antragstellung mehr möglich!

Im Ausland lebende Deutsche ohne festen Wohnsitz in Deutschland können den Antrag auf Eintragung in das Wählerverzeichnis nicht mehr stellen. Die Antragsfrist endete am 2. Februar 2025. Eine Ausnahme gilt nur dann, wenn nachgewiesen werden kann, dass die Antragsfrist ohne Verschulden versäumt wurde (§ 25 Absatz 2 Ziffer 1 Bundeswahlordnung).

Abroad only temporarily?

Germans who are abroad temporarily (for instance while on an extended vacation) and are still registered in Germany will automatically be entered in the electoral register of their municipality. They may exercise their right to vote by postal ballot.

Eligibility to vote

Application form and competent municipality

Requirements for entry in the electoral register

Using the official courier service

Depending on the particular circumstances, commercial express postal services or airmail may offer a faster and more suitable method of sending postal ballot documents than the official courier service. The decision and responsibility rests exclusively with the eligible voter. Any mailing charges incurred will not be refunded.

The Federal Foreign Office does not accept any liability for late or undelivered electoral documents when the courier service is used for document delivery and/or forwarding. It is not possible to track the letters.

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