Representative electoral statistics
Representative electoral statistics are used to analyse the voting behaviour, namely the voter turnout and the votes cast by sex and year of birth groups. They provide information, beyond the official election result, on the extent to which people entitled to vote, by age and year of birth groups, have participated in the election and how voters have voted. They also show how invalid votes were cast.
Representative electoral statistics are produced for both Bundestag and European elections.
Who produces representative electoral statistics?
What is covered?
How many people entitled to vote and voters are covered by representative electoral statistics?
How is the voter turnout by sex and year of birth group analysed?
How are the votes cast analysed by sex and year of birth group?
Are the secrecy of the ballot and data protection ensured?
How do I know if I am going to vote in a representative polling district?
I am to vote in a representative polling district. Can I vote without my ballot paper being processed for representative purposes?
When are the results of representative electoral statistics released?

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