Each voter has two votes in Bundestag elections. For that reason, there are two columns on the ballot paper.
- The left-hand column is for marking the first vote, which goes to a constituency candidate. This column contains the names of the candidates of the admitted constituency nominations as well as information on their occupation or status and place of residence; in the case of constituency nominations by parties, also the names of these parties and any shortened form of the party name or additional name that the party may use; in the case of other constituency nominations, also the identifying name.
- The right-hand column is for marking the second vote, which goes to the Land list of a party. This column contains the names of the parties and any shortened form of the party name or additional name that the party may use as well as the surnames and first names of the first five candidates from the admitted Land lists.
As each ballot paper lists the nominations for the individual constituency and Land, ballot papers in Germany are not identical but vary from Land to Land and constituency to constituency.
Legal bases
Section 30, Section 34 of the Federal Elections Act (BWG)
Section 45 (1) of the Federal Electoral Regulations (BWO)
Annex 26 to Section 28 (3) and Section 45 (1) of the Federal Electoral Regulations (BWO)
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