
Press release no. 37/24 of 9. Juni 2024

2024 European election: go out and vote by 6 p.m. today!

WIESBADEN/BERLIN – The 96 European Parliament members from the Federal Republic of Germany are being elected today. The European election is of special importance as it permits voters to shape future policy decisions within the European Union. Therefore the Federal Returning Officer is appealing to all eligible voters to go to the polls today.

Incidentally, citizens who are entitled to vote but have misplaced or lost their voter's notification may nevertheless cast their vote in the European election. However, voters must be on the voters' register of their polling district to do so. This is the case if they have received their voter's notification. Voters can contact their local authority to find out which polling station they should attend to cast their vote. At the polling station, voters will be required to show proof of identity in the form of an identity card, passport or national ID card (in the case of EU citizens) at the request of the electoral board.

In exceptional cases, for instance confirmed sudden illness, voters who are unable to vote in person may apply for the polling card and postal voting documents by 3 p.m today. The application can be handed in at the municipal electoral offices by an authorised person or the voters themselves. The completed postal voting documents must be handed in at the competent electoral office by 6 p.m. at the latest.


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