
Press release no. 34/24 of 6. Juni 2024

2024 European election: what to do when postal voting documents have not been delivered

WIESBADEN – Eligible voters who applied to vote by mail in the 2024 European election but have still not received their postal voting documents should contact the relevant municipal authority as soon as possible, according to the Federal Returning Officer. Once an eligible voter has applied for a polling card, the latter must be used - for either postal voting or ballot box voting on election day. However, eligible voters who confirm that their postal voting documents have not been delivered will be issued with another set by Saturday, 8 June 2024 (noon). This may especially concern eligible voters in the regions affected by flooding.

As there is not enough time left for the new postal voting documents to be sent by mail, all those concerned are asked to appear in person at their municipal authority, where they can cast their vote directly on site. Alternatively, a third person can be authorised in writing to collect the postal voting documents. The authorisation must also include confirmation that the postal voting documents have not been received.

A polling card which has not yet been delivered will be declared invalid by the municipality and can therefore not be used even if it were received in time for the election. This prevents abuse of postal voting.

As a rule, eligible voters can vote in any polling district within their administrative district or town on election day, 9 June 2024, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. after presenting the polling card which was sent to them together with their postal voting documents. To cast their vote, they must present their identity card or passport and hand in their polling card.

It is not possible, however, to vote in a polling district of another district or town.

Eligible voters in the flooded areas

Eligible voters in the areas affected by flooding should also contact their municipal authority by Saturday, 8 June 2024 (noon) if their postal voting documents have been damaged or destroyed at home by the flood. The respective polling cards will be declared invalid and voters will be issued with another set of postal voting documents.

If postal ballot return letters that have already been mailed are so badly damaged by the floods that it is impossible for them to be counted on election day, and if the postal services have delivered these damaged letters to the municipal authorities, the relevant municipalities will contact the voters concerned and issue new postal voting documents. In such cases, voters can cast their vote again and it is ensured that the vote sent by mail in the damaged postal ballot return letter will not be counted.

Thanks to the dedication and hard work of the municipalities and returning officers, practical solutions are rapidly being developed to ensure the election is conducted in a proper manner in the regions affected by flooding.

Eligible voters in these regions are asked to obtain up-to-date information from their municipal authority on the measures taken (by consulting the relevant website, for example). If necessary, selected polling stations may be moved to another location.


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