
Press release no. 29/24 of 31. Mai 2024

2024 European election: election facts and figures

WIESBADEN – With just a few days to go until the European election, the Federal Returning Officer takes a look at some interesting facts and figures regarding the 2024 European election:

Election facts and figures

  • 7 municipal elections are also being held on the day of the 10th election to the European Parliament on 9 June 2024. These will take place in Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen and Sachsen-Anhalt.
  • 16 Land returning officers ensure that the European election is properly conducted in the Länder.
  • 6 p.m.: voting in Germany ends.
  • 25 euros is the refreshment allowance poll workers receive on election day (electoral officers receive 35 euros). Some municipalities decide to pay a refreshment allowance that exceeds the amount to be reimbursed by the Federation.
  • 27 EU Member States elect their Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).
  • 35 parties and other political associations are running in the European election in Germany.
  • 51.3% of Germany's electorate are women.
  • 96 MEPs are elected in Germany to represent the country in the European Parliament.
  • 418 district, town and borough returning officers organise the European election at local level.
  • 720 Members of the European Parliament will be elected in total in 2024.
  • 1,413 candidates are standing for election in Germany in the 2024 European election.
  • 1979: the year the first direct elections to the European Parliament were held.
  • Approximately 90,000 polling districts (for both ballot box and postal voting) were established for the European election.
  • Roughly 675,000 volunteer poll workers will help at the polling stations and with the postal ballot on election day.
  • An estimated 60.9 million Germans are entitled to vote in Germany in the European election.
  • Approximately 4.1 million citizens of other EU Member States live in Germany and are entitled to vote here.
  • Some 5.1 million first-time voters may cast their vote in the European election in Germany.
  • 28.7% of eligible voters in Germany are older than 64 years.
  • Roughly 350 million people in all EU Member States are entitled to vote in the 2024 European election.
  • 448 million is the total number of inhabitants of all Member States of the European Union.

More information on the 2024 European election and statistics on all previous European elections can be found on the website of the Federal Returning Officer.


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