Press release no. 01/20 of 30. Januar 2020
“Brexit” consequences: European Parliament becoming smaller
Number of European Parliament members declining from 751 to 705 – 14 EU Member States receiving additional seats
WIESBADEN - The United Kingdom will leave the European Union (EU) on 31 January 2020 (at midnight). This will have some consequences for the composition of the European Parliament. In accordance with European Council Decision (EU) 2018/937 of 28 June 2018 the “Brexit” will lead to a reduction of the number of European Parliament members from 751 to 705. 27 of the United Kingdom’s 73 seats will be redistributed among 14 Member States which have been slightly underrepresented. This is to even out the current imbalances regarding representation in the Parliament. None of the 27 Member States remaining in the EU will lose seats. Germany will keep its 96 seats. France (so far 74 seats) and Spain (so far 54 seats) will receive the largest number of additional seats (five seats each) in the European Parliament.
The following Member States will be given additional seats as of 1 February 2020:
Denmark: 14 (so far 13)
Estonia: 7 (so far 6)
Finland: 14 (so far 13)
France: 79 (so far 74)
Ireland: 13 (so far 11)
Italy: 76 (so far 73)
Croatia: 12 (so far 11)
Netherlands: 29 (so far 26)
Austria: 19 (so far 18)
Poland: 52 (so far 51)
Romania: 33 (so far 32)
Sweden: 21 (so far 20)
Slovakia: 14 (so far 13)
Spain: 59 (so far 54)

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