Press release no. 34/2013 of 9. Oktober 2013
Official final result of the 2013 Bundestag Election
BERLIN/WIESBADEN – In its meeting today, the Federal Electoral Committee has determined the final result of the election to the 18th German Bundestag. Then the Federal Returning Officer has announced the final election result in the Europasaal of the Paul-Löbe building of the German Bundestag in Berlin.
With voter turnout at 71.5 % (2009: 70.8 %), the political parties obtained the following shares in the total number of valid second votes:
CDU | 34.1 % | (2009: 27.3 %) |
SPD | 25.7 % | (2009: 23.0 %) |
DIE LINKE | 8.6 % | (2009: 11.9 %) |
GRÜNE | 8.4 % | (2009: 10.7 %) |
CSU | 7.4 % | (2009: 6.5 %) |
Others with FDP | 15.7 % | |
FDP | 4.8 % | (2009: 14.6 %) |
Others without FDP | 10.9 % | (2009: 6.0 %) |
The share of invalid second votes was 1.3 % (2009: 1.4 %) and the share of invalid first votes was 1.5 % (2009: 1.7 %). Compared with the provisional election result, only the share of invalid first votes was down by 0.1 percentage points.
The other parties (not including the FDP) obtained the following shares of second votes (order by number of votes obtained):
AfD | 4.7 % | (2009: did not participate) |
Piraten | 2.2 % | (2009: 2.0 %) |
NPD | 1.3 % | (2009: 1.5 %) |
FREIE WÄHLER | 1.0 % | (2009: did not participate) |
Tierschutzpartei | 0.3 % | (2009: 0.5 %) |
ÖDP | 0.3 % | (2009: 0.3 %) |
REP | 0.2 % | (2009: 0.4 %) |
DIE PARTEI | 0.2 % | (2009: did not participate) |
pro Deutschland | 0.2 % | (2009: did not participate) |
BP | 0.1 % | (2009: 0.1 %) |
Volksabstimmung | 0.1 % | (2009: 0.1 %) |
RENTNER | 0.1 % | (2009: 0.1 %) |
PARTEI DER VERNUNFT | 0.1 % | (2009: did not participate) |
MLPD | 0.1 % | (2009: 0.1 %) |
PBC | 0.0 % | (2009: 0.1 %) |
BIG | 0.0 % | (2009: did not participate) |
BüSo | 0.0 % | (2009: 0.1 %) |
DIE FRAUEN | 0.0 % | (2009: did not participate) |
Partei der Nichtwähler | 0.0 % | (2009: did not participate) |
Bündnis 21/RRP | 0.0 % | (2009: 0.2 %) |
DIE VIOLETTEN | 0.0 % | (2009: 0.1 %) |
FAMILIE | 0.0 % | (2009: 0.3 %) |
PSG | 0.0 % | (2009: 0.0 %) |
DIE RECHTE | 0.0 % | (2009: did not participate) |
Pursuant to Section 1 subsection 1 in conjunction with Section 6 of the Federal Elections Act, the newly elected Bundestag will have a total of 631 members (2009: 622).
In accordance with the official final election result, the parties listed below will be represented with the following numbers of mandates in the 18th German Bundestag:
CDU | 255 seats (2009: 194), | including 64 (2009: 21) national list seats |
SPD | 193 seats (2009: 146), | including 135 (2009: 82) national list seats |
DIE LINKE | 64 seats (2009: 76), | including 60 (2009: 60) national list seats |
GRÜNE | 63 seats (2009: 68), | including 62 (2009: 67) national list seats |
CSU | 56 seats (2009: 45), | including 11 (2009: 0) national list seats |
Compared with the provisional result, the SPD wins another seat.
The final results of the 2013 Bundestag Election for Germany as a whole, the Länder and the individual constituencies are available on the website of the Federal Returning Officer.
The results are also documented in issue no. 3 entitled “Endgültige Ergebnisse nach Wahlkreisen” (Final results by constituencies) of the series published on the 2013 Bundestag Election by the Federal Returning Officer. This publication is available (only in German) as a PDF file for free download from the website of the Federal Returning Officer at: → Elections to the German Bundestag 2013 → Publications
There you will also find the final distribution of seats by Länder and other comprehensive information and tables on the 2013 Bundestag Election.
At a price of 18.00 euros, a printed copy of this publication may be ordered from:
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For further information:
Office of the Federal Returning Officer
tel: +49 611 75-4863