Bundestag election 2021

Elected in constituency

Dr. Philippi, Andreas Milan Gerhard SPD 32.2 %

First unsuccessful

Güntzler, Fritz CDU 26.9 %

Percentage of first votes


Percentage of second votes

Result table Final result
Specification First votes Second votes
Number % Diff. on 2017
in p.p.
Number % Diff. on 2017
in p.p.
Persons entitled to vote 214,542 - - 214,542 - -
Voters 161,876 75.5 -1.9 161,876 75.5 -1.9
Invalid 2,399 1.5 +0.6 1,571 1.0 +0.3
Valid 159,477 98.5 -0.6 160,305 99.0 -0.3
CDU 42,958 26.9 -6.3 34,588 21.6 -8.6
SPD 51,385 32.2 -2.7 51,180 31.9 +3.7
FDP 15,261 9.6 +5.0 15,638 9.8 +0.6
AfD - - -7.0 9,785 6.1 -1.8
GRÜNE 37,060 23.2 +11.9 32,448 20.2 +8.6
DIE LINKE 8,057 5.1 -0.8 8,132 5.1 -3.6
Die PARTEI - - -1.3 1,625 1.0 ±0.0
Tierschutzpartei - - - 1,713 1.1 +0.2
FREIE WÄHLER - - -0.9 1,259 0.8 +0.2
PIRATEN - - -0.8 569 0.4 -0.1
NPD - - - 174 0.1 -0.1
V-Partei³ - - - 125 0.1 -0.1
ÖDP - - - 136 0.1 ±0.0
MLPD 232 0.1 ±0.0 46 0.0 ±0.0
DKP 329 0.2 - 73 0.0 ±0.0
dieBasis 3,428 2.1 - 1,570 1.0 -
du. - - - 111 0.1 -
LKR 767 0.5 - 78 0.0 -
Die Humanisten - - - 164 0.1 -
Team Todenhöfer - - - 379 0.2 -
Volt - - - 512 0.3 -
DiB - - - - - -0.2
Individual candidates - - - - - -0.4